April 18, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes – April 18, 2012

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
April 18, 2012

Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Chris Ridgway
Russell Sheaffer

Matthew Kasinkas
Steve Paquette

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Russell Sheaffer.

  1. Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2012
    Correction to verbiage of cover roll-down/roll-up cost: $.25/ft will be added to the current price for rolldown i.e. $3.50/ft and another $.25/ft will be added to rollup ($3.75/ft). Motion by Marcus to approve Minutes. Seconded by Morgan. Unanimous approval.
  2. Group 41 Update
    Attorney Stefonwicz has had no communication with his clients, Group 41 i.e. they have not responded to any of his phone calls. Recommendation by our attorneys, Eckman & Kranz, not to offer anything – wait it out. Russell contacted the attorney for the City of Bayport and learned the City is vacating the property where the sign is located. Once vacated, the property will become Bayport Marina’s property. At this point, it is anticipated Group 41 will want to resolve the damage issue of the lawsuit and finalize the case. The expectation is if Group 41 does not respond, the court will push to end the lawsuit before yearend.

    Cliff reported he had a conversation with a potential renter of the restaurant who stated she would not be renting as Group 41 changed the terms from $6,000/mo to $7,000/mo. They also would not agree to have the property inspected and update/repair as necessary. Cliff was instructed to document his communication with the individual and forward to our attorneys.

    Arnie Lindall, Waterford Condominium President, has approached BMA if they would “team up” with Waterford and push the City of Bayport to do something about the deteriorating condition of the building. The concern of the condo residents is the building is affecting the value of their real estate. Consensus of the BMA Board was not to “pick a fight” with Group 41, but to be on the sideline should Waterford pursue a case with the City.

  3. Clubhouse Improvement
    Val, Russell, Cliff and Kathy met with Jeff Shrier to evaluate how clubhouse is being used, by whom and when. The group gave a general guide of what BMA members want. Jeff will develop a comprehensive plan for clubhouse, kitchen, and locker room doors. The plan would potentially be a 5-year plan. Jeff will show the “grand plan” at the Annual Meeting in June. Russell verbally committed to a fee up to $2k for the plan.
  4. General Manager’s Report
    – Lawn will be fertilized and sprayed for dandelions next week.

    – Slip Covers – Cliff will walk the docks this week with Bill Nelson, River Valley Services, to grade the covers. Once evaluated, he will contact owners of the covers in need of replacment with pricing.

    – The cost of rolldown/rollup was discussed and Cliff was advised to check with Dominic, Afton and others for cover maintenance options. He was further instructed to make sure the same mil, quality and color will be used on new covers.

    – Owner of Slip A-15, Kathryn Anderson, has asked if she could have a cover installed on her slip. Cliff asked if there was a policy regarding adding a cover to a slip. There is no written policy, however, for structure/support purposes, 3 slips adjacent to each other are needed for a cover. Cliff will contact the owner of Slip A-13 to see if he would swap slips with Kathryn or if he’d be willing to add a cover to his slip.

    – Pump-out station is in with only a small issue – check valve needs to be installed. Tank and lines from old system are disconnected and will be removed after haulout in the fall.

    – New software, BiT, is up and running at Gas Dock.

    – Launch is on schedule

    – Summer employees have been hired and are in training. All previous staff with the exception of Anna will be returning this season. Russell requested Kathy send a list of all Gas Dock employees to Board Members. He also requested she put together a picture directory for the website of all employees and include a bio for each staff member.

    – Security Update – Cliff informed there have been some theft issues i.e. a small run-about was stolen as well as a motor off another boat. As a result, he has started the search for a better security system i.e. security cameras. Cliff and Jim Mondry met with a company in Hudson. Cliff stated he researched a hydraulic gate for D Road and found the cost would be $24k installed. Russell questioned if two thefts justified purchasing a gate especially when it is unknown if the thieves are coming in from the water, railroad tracks, or by 4-wheeler.

    Cliff spoke with Mike at ADS and they have since installed motion detectors behind the boats. Cliff further stated all the private property signs have been installed. It was recommended the signs be lowered.

    Cliff met with the Bayport Chief of Police regarding security at the marina. He stated the Chief offered to have her staff patrol opposite of ADS if she was provided a schedule. She also advised BMA has the option to hire the off-duty neighborhood watch “volunteer” officers at a rate of $15/hr.

  5. New Business
    Board Succession – three of the current board members will “roll off” at the end of June. Two of the members have the option to “reup”. Russell will have completed his 6th year. Morgan has volunteered to reup. However, Matthew has elected to not serve another 3-year term. In accordance with the By-Laws, one of the two vacancies needs to be filled with a sailboater. Kathy will send an email to voting members and encourage sailboaters to volunteer. Within 10-15 days of email, Kathy will inform the Board of interested candidates. The Board will then solicit volunteers if needed.

    Swap Meet and Safety Day
    Kathy will send an email next week providing details of the Swap Meet to be held on Saturday, May 12. She will also encourage boaters to sign up for a free vessel check provided by the Power Squadron.

    Kathy to send a reminder in the Marker 19.1 regarding wearing shoes on the docks – very splintery after the power washing.

  6. Social Committee Report
    Val stated everything is set for the May 19 Ice Breaker Mardi Gras Party. Invitations have been sent out. Due to the expected number of attendees (Val anticipates 130 people) and the size of the band, the tent will be set up in the front parking lot. It was recommended Val contact the rental company and increase the size of the tent from a 30’x30’ to a larger size.
  7. Annual Meeting
    Russell will put together a rough agenda and assign tasks. Next meeting will be a “reflect and brainstorm” meeting on what the Board has accomplished over the last year. Along with accomplishments, Russell will compile the list of what’s on the horizon for the next year.
  8. Closed Session
    Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

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