July 25, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes July 25, 2012
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
July 25, 2012

Board present:
Brad Baune
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway

Sandor Csallany
Jim Mondry

Motion by Morgan to call meeting to order, seconded by Val. Unanimous. Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Marcus Gernes.

1. Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2012

Motion by Steve to approve Minutes as written. Seconded by Morgan. Unanimous approval.

2. Financials

June 2012 Financials show net income $215,000 over June 2011. Cliff stated Service Department has been busy and is on target to make the $700k revenue goal for the year. Marine Max has been selling boats and the Misc. Income reflects the increase in commissions received.

Members expressed positive comments regarding the increased Security. Clarification was made by Cliff security staff are Bayport Marina employees i.e. on BMA payroll and not contracted through the City of Bayport Police Department. Brad recommended Cliff review all employees and make sure they are classified correctly for Worker’s Compensation, especially the Security staff.

No other comments or concerns regarding Financials.

3. Election of Officers

Commodore Gernes reviewed the structure of the Board and the Executive Committee roles. Members were asked to consider volunteering for positions. Morgan stated he was interested in Vice Commodore. No other volunteers. Unanimous approval of Morgan as Vice Commodore. Steve Paquette volunteered to be Treasurer and there were no other volunteers. Unanimous approval of Steve. After further explanation of the Secretary duties, Brad Baune volunteered and was unanimously approved as Secretary.

Marcus stated the top priority for the Board and Executive Committee is to put in place a Permanent Dock Committee and be the face of the Marina. Over the course of the next 12 months, it is the goal to identify the scope of the issue, develop and put a plan in place.

4. GM Report

Cliff informed he contacted the Washington County Tax Assessor to evaluate the BMA roadways and various parcels. A county employee came out, measured and reviewed the various parcels. Upon her findings, the County reduced BMA property values by $855k, a 26% reduction. It is unknown how this reduction with be reflected in next year’s tax assessment.

Security – Reports from Security staff indicated 20-30 people were prevented from entering the Marina property over the July 4 holiday. There were a couple incidents at the pool and Cliff has resolved these with the Security staff
With the exception of one sailboat slip and one powerboat slip, the Marina is full and there is a waiting list for next year.
Both Sheriff Sale sailboats have been sold.
Pumpout Station is now running smoothly. The electrical was upgraded with a booster.
Slip Covers – Cliff informed he had contacted both Dominic of the Boat Doctor and Bill Nelson of River Valley for the cover replacement and maintenance. Neither party wanted the contract. Cliff contacted Taylor Luke, the individual who previously did the work. Taylor agreed to the installation of new covers and committed to a 3-year contract for maintenance. Cliff stated the cost for rolldown/rollup is considerably higher than in the past. The cost per foot is now $5 each way with a slight increase each of the 3 years. Cliff asked the Board for their recommendation if the rollup this fall should be increased to the $5/ft (currently at $3.75/ft) and if a $.25/ft administrative fee should be added. Consensus of the Board was to bill at $5/ft and send a letter to owners of covered slips explaining the reasons for the substantial price increase.

Brad suggested after the new covers have been installed, a new aerial photo be taken. The new photos would be used for marketing as well as updating the Clubhouse décor with new artwork. Cliff will contact a company to perform.

Brad asked if any research had been done to replace the asphalt by the Service Dept and TravelLift with concrete which would withstand the wear and tear better than asphalt. Subject will be addressed at a later date.

BiT Software is improving and running smoothly at the Gas Dock. There are several reports that can be run and as time goes on, more and more information will be compiled in the reports.
Service currently does not have a lot of work – about a 2-3 day backlog. Brad suggested the Service Dept have a booth at the Antique Boat Show with brochures listing the services they provide. It was also suggested to hand out floating key chains, pens, and any other marketing items.

Marcus began discussion regarding the Boat Ramp use. At this point in the meeting, Member Edie Anderson asked to address the Board. Edie presented a handout with information on the ramp recorded as part of the Conditional Use Permit (Refer to Exhibit A). Edie pointed out the CUP does not specify staff are allowed to use the Ramp. She further stated the staff need to be educated regarding the rules of the marina. Marcus responded he and Cliff would pull the Permit and research to make a determination who could use and eliminate any gray areas. Michelle will add language to the Antique Boat Show exhibiters Waiver to cover the launch liability.

5. Committee Updates

Social – the Board commended Val and Lorrie for all their hard work and dedication. Michelle commended Val on the exposure this year’s Antique Boat Show has gotten. As of Wednesday afternoon, 132 had reserved for the evening party. Recommendation was made to have the Social Committee inform the Bayport Police of the event since attendees will be parking on Hwy 95. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, July 31, at 6:00pm to discuss the final details for the Boat Show and party. Marcus encouraged all Board Members interested to attend.

Grounds – No update from the committee at this time.

6. Group 41

Marcus discussed the letter received from BMA attorney Ekman regarding the Group 41 lawsuit (Exhibit B). In a nutshell, counsel’s recommendation was to do nothing and let the court drive the settlement. The Board had previously decided not to go this route, but to pursue closure. In the meantime, the court sent a notice to setup a Scheduling Conference on October 5. Marcus will attend this meeting and invited any other Board Members interested to attend.

Cliff informed he was given information from Kirby the company owned by Group 41, WeatherGuard, lost their license to do business in the states of Minnesota and Illinois. The question was asked if Group 41 was current on real estate taxes. Morgan stated he knew they were at least 2 years on arrears possibly 3. Brad recommended pursuing acquisition of the property. He further stated there are laws pertaining to foreclosure via tax arrears. Marcus will research the laws regarding the liens on the property and bring his findings to the next meeting. He will also contact Brien Slawik regarding his knowledge on real estate laws and tax liens.

7. Past Commodore’s Reception

Recommendation by Marcus to have the Past Commodore Reception separate from the regular Board Meeting. Marcus explained with only 11 meetings throughout the year, it is difficult to give up another operational meeting. The consensus of Board is to hold the meeting the Wednesday after the regular Board Meeting. The Past Commodore Reception will be held Wednesday, August 22, 6:00 pm. The Agenda will have two specific goals/projects and ask the Past Commodores for their input. It was recommended Kathy contact Marx in Stillwater for catering the event.

8. Permanent Dock Committee

Marcus stated it was time to action rather than just talk about the repair/replacement of docks. He further stated the scope of the project needs to be driven by a group consisting of Board Members, members in general and staff to determine the level of repair/upgrade and how to go about it. Marcus informed an estimate of $1 million to $1.5 million is realistic. Because of the expertise needed for a project of this magnitude, Marcus recommended a professional be brought in to research with Board i.e. look at floats, docks, etc. and start the ball rolling. It was further suggested to start with D Dock to learn what works and what we like. This would also be less disruptive to members. Cliff stated he met an expert at a conference in Madison “that knows his stuff.”

Two elements for consideration when developing a plan: 1) need to know life expectancy of current infrastructure and materials used for replacement 2) need to pay for project.

The consensus of the Board was to conduct a comprehensive audit and find out the scope of the project infrastructure i.e. spud poles, electrical, piping, pedestals and decking. Cliff was instructed to contact his guy to find the best engineering team to manage the two-part project – audit & plan.

Motion by Morgan to have Cliff identify 3 candidates who can do an audit to determine what our existing infrastructure is. The firms should have the ability to perform a comprehensive audit, provide for engineering and the construction of permanent docking at Bayport Marina. Michelle seconded. Unanimous approval.

9. Closed Session

Motion for meeting adjournment by Michelle, seconded by Val. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

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