April 18, 2018

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Marina Clubhouse
April 18, 2018

Board Present:                                                  Absent:               
Ed Manor                                                            Amy Tolbert
Joel Lemanski
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Bob Reilly
Russell Sheaffer
Brien Slawik
Albert Sturm

Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm by Commodore Brien Slawik.  Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

I. Business Meeting

a. Approval of Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Brien Slawik to approve the March 21, 2018 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Bob Reilly.  There was unanimous approval.

b. March Financials

Kori stated that unfortunately due to a delayed start to the season we are behind on income for YTD, mainly due to service labor.   Our total expenses are still below budget so our net income is only less than budget by approximately $4200.  Our cash flow is still very good and Kori moved $200K into our savings account for the time being to benefit from interest accrual.

As for accounts receivable, other than Group 41 and Steve Watson the accounts receivable balance is mostly current.

II. Marina Operations

Kori started the discussion by stating that we have sadly still been dealing with snow, snow and more snow!  One advantage was we were able to bill an additional $1000 of snow plowing to the condo association.  In addition to the snow delaying launch, we won’t be opening the fuel dock until May 1.  We had fuel dock training on March 30 and created a training manual for staff.  Previously it was just a presentation and with Zach’s help we were able to have a more detailed training.  We also plan to do a few promotions for the transient dock to increase visitation, especially in less peak times.  Zach will start full-time May 14.

Security personal is scheduled to start at the end of April.  We did have some turnover and will be hiring a couple of new guards.  We are working on providing more information to them so they can do a better job interacting with the boaters/people on the grounds.  We will have a training in May for them and have also moved their schedule online so it is visible to everyone instead of just being a paper copy kept at the marina.

Other items that have been being worked on is implementing our new phone system, the new system will tie the fuel dock into the office so we can transfer between both locations.  Additionally, our voicemails will also go to email so that they can be listened to when we are away from our phones.  The garage door was ordered and is scheduled to be installed the week of May 21.  The Wi-Fi system is also ordered, the provider is waiting on some equipment to finish programing and obviously better weather to install.  Kori just got the Safety Audit back from Mymic, overall very good feedback and not too many major items.  The biggest item we need to look at is safely painting inside the service department.  Kori also met with Derrick Construction for a Building Evaluation.  Their feedback suggests that about 75% of our siding is good, but needs cleaning and painting, 25% needs replacing.  Should have a cedar shake roofing expert look at the roof, but overall looks like it is in good shape.  Our bathrooms should be brought up to ADA compliance since our clubhouse is open to the public and the aging population at the Marina.  There are also some items that are not up to code but can easily be fixed.  Our HVACs and water heaters are very dated and should be replaced to be more efficient and eliminate the possibility of failure.  Kori is working to update the Captial Improvements spreadsheet with these items and create a prioritized replacement plan.

We had a preseason staff meeting with the managers to prepare for the season.  We have created some more in-depth checklists to ensure we are covering everything to ready the Marina for the season.  Kori is also working to assign special tasks to each staff member to make them the point person/expert for better coverage of tasks.  Other discussions included the direction we should go with replacing the service workboat and additional equipment/projects needed around the marina.

The Marina is in good shape with only two 65’ powerboat slips and four sailboat slips open. Kori has been working with Arlene from HRX and will be updating our Employee Handbook before the end of the year.  Kori also attended both the Wisconsin and Midwest Marina Association Meetings.  The updates regarding electrical codes and electrical safety were very interesting and items that she will be checking into during the season.  Lastly, Kori will be on vacation May 1-5, for a family event.  She has staff taking on additional items during those days to help with her absence.

a. Service & Canvas

The Lemanski boat is finished and will be billed out this week. We have several other boats coming in for bottom paint in the next couple weeks.  Additionally, the service crew is out servicing boats before launch begins, mainly “laundry list” items at this time.

Due to the harbor still having docks stored in it, we will begin launching Marine Max boats to D-Dock, boats that could go in for service and ones that are in the first half of C-Dock just to get ahead since launch is delayed.  The plan is for the official week one of launch to be April 30.

The Canvas Department is booked out through Mid-June at this time.  In addition to the work Tom already had lined up, he has gotten several carpet jobs, a large project coming from Kings Cove and a customer is already talking to him about winter work for after this season.

III. Old Business

a. Group 41

Brien Slawik informed the Board that a court date would be assigned this week.  Group 41’s attorneys are communicating with Bill Kranz regularly, but no movement at this time.

b. Canvas Department Employee Addition

Brien Slawik mentioned that back in March, himself, Kori and Tom Matson visited Alan Pfromm of Aqua-Stich, at his location in Prescott to meet regarding possible employment opportunities at Bayport Marina in our Canvas Department.  Alan has a lot of energy, has a good understanding of the canvas trade and is continuing to learn and grow his techniques.  He is committed at MissCroix through the spring, but would like to continue talking with us regarding coming onboard at BMA as an employee.  Tom Matson said he believe his skills are good and that with some technique training he would be a good addition to the service we provide at BMA.

IV. New Business

a. Insurance Quote Review

Kori has worked on shopping the Marina’s insurance and had been working with a Broker with a company by the name of Coverra.  Coverra has been making marina insurance a niche for them and are very well informed on marine insurance.  The agent provided us with a quote that would result in a 9% cost savings over last year, lower deductibles and some additional coverage.  Our current broker has not provided us a policy renewal as of yet.  Kori will be requesting that and at that point requesting an email vote to move forward with either keeping or moving our insurance coverage.

Motion made by Joel Lemanski to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Russell Sheaffer; meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Closed Door Session followed regular Board Meeting with the eight board members in attendance.