April 23, 2014

Board Meeting Minutes – April 23, 2014
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
April 23, 2014

Board Present:
Brad Baune
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Amy Tolbert

Sandor Csallany

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Commodore Morgan Fudge. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

1. Approval of the March Minutes.

Motion by Brad to approve the March 19th Meeting Minutes, seconded by Val. Unanimous approval of Minutes.

2. March & YTD Financials

Steve discussed that he uses the budget as his benchmark for evaluating where we are. Right now slip rental, BMRP assessment, service labor and miscellaneous income are low compared to budget, but everything is explainable and or a timing issue. We still have some slips to rent out and the budget shows as all slips being rented out as of the end of quarter one. The BMRP Assessment was actually split into spring and fall collections and originally it was budgeted that it would all be collected in the spring. Service labor looks low, but it’s only because not all labor has been charged out, it is sitting on open work orders. Lastly, miscellaneous income is also low which accounts for Marine Max sales and they have not sold much this year.

Steve also pointed out that even though our income is lower than budget so are our expenses. Service salary, gas & oil, ship store, service parts, repairs & maintenance are all under budget and it’s again either timing or we have been working hard at controlling spending.

3. Marina Operations

· Launch: Official ice out on April 22nd which was one day sooner than last year. Launch will have to be a little different this year as we are still waiting on Xcel to complete power on B-Dock. B-Dock boats that we do launch will be kept in service or Marine Max slips until they can be plugged in on B-Dock. We also still had some docks in our way, but Eastbank was moved today and the others will be moved out by next week. At this time we are about a week behind but should be able to make up some time in launch weeks three, four and five. The water was turned on, on D-Dock on Tuesday. Michelle Lemanski inquired if we need to worry about freezing at this time; maybe a little, but temperatures aren’t getting too low.

· Slip rentals: As or Wednesday all owner’s slips were rented out except for Dwarakanath who just listed his. In addition to that we have 12 BMA slips all are either 32’ or 41’ slips.

· Service: Currently, there is decent service backlog and will move through it as we are launching. Additionally, we are now offering two promotions with Land & Sea with the Sea Value Catalog and Bell Industries with their parts catalog. Boaters will be able to place orders with our service department and have the parts ordered for them and brought to their boat. Ken Garelick brought this idea to Cliff’s attention last summer suggesting it could be a more convenient option for members and could also bring additional revenue to the marina

· Marketing: Working with the Pioneer Press to do a feature that includes us and Mallards. This will reach 600,000 people via the paper and two million online. We tried to get Marine Max involved as well; however, they said it was not in their budget. The Limited Membership Cards are printed and in hand. We will be selling them for $59.00 and feel that it will be a no-brainer for transient or large gas consumption customers. Gas Dock staff is being trained on how to promote the card to every customer. In addition, we purchased a marina training video and are using it to train the gas dock staff and will also utilize it amongst all marina employees. The Gas Dock store is in the middle of being reconfigured and will be a big change for everyone to see.

· Additional comments: Reminder to all members, patrons and staff of the marina that we need to be conscious of trash and help keep it litter free. The fresh water hose reels that have been proposed for B-Dock are not mandatory but are encouraged to keep a consistent look.

4. BMRP Update

Plaques are complete and will be installed on the dock this week. Xcel has been onsite working on the power, but they are not communicating as to when they will be complete. Haussner plumbing is just waiting on a flex hose to finish the plumbing and should be installed next week.

Brad Baune motioned that we adjust the order of the BMRP project and swap A-Dock for D-Dock so that we can complete the east harbor and make it astatically pleasing, Jim Mondry seconded it and all were in favor.

5. Social committee update

Ice Breaker: The theme is Kentucky Derby and everything is themed that way. Food will be traditional derby food and served at stations. The tent will have sides and we will have heaters in case it is cold weather again. There will be horse race gambling and other contests throughout the evening. Rate is $49 per person.

Antique Boat Show: Val Fuller is in contact with the River Rats Antique Car club and hopes to have them here as well. Michelle Lemanski has submitted advertising and is working with the BSLOL for awareness. The BSLOL is also requesting that they have an area to have a swap meet with antique wears. We are getting the proofs for the poster next week and will pick a final design.

Wine & Canvas Night: Val Fuller is working with Jen of Docks by Jen and will be arranging a night that we can do a Wine & Canvas night on a Friday in the clubhouse.

6. New Business

Cliff purposed that we put in offer to buy a strip of land that is 1.14 acres currently owned by the railroad that we can use for storage and future use. Rachael Harvey has volunteered to write and propose the offer. Currently taxes on the land is $2.00.

Steve Paquette motioned that Cliff puts an offer on the railroad property for $3000.00 and can go up to $4500.00 without additional approval, Michelle Lemanski seconded it, all in favor

Meeting adjourned 9:00.
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