Board Meeting Minutes – August 20, 2014
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
August 20, 2014
Board Present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Keith Vinje
Amy Tolbert
The board meeting was called to order at 6:24pm by Commodore Brad Baune. He confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
1. Approval of the April Minutes.
Motion by Dave to approve the July 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes, seconded by Keith. Unanimous approval of Minutes.
2. July & YTD Financials
July Financials
Highlights from Steve:
· Sale of B13 was very positive
· Summer storage has been billed
· Marine Max (misc. income) had a good month which benefits us
· Gas dock sales were up
· Since gas dock sales were up, in turn gas & oil costs were up
July YTD Financials
Highlights from Steve:
Sale of B13 was very positive
- Summer storage has been billed
- Marine Max (misc. income) had a good month which benefits us
- Gas dock sales were up
- Since gas dock sales were up, in turn gas & oil costs were up
Highlights from Steve:
Insurance is still showing as over budget, but it was an accounting error that will be corrected in the August financials
· We are still behind budget due to the fact that the BMRP Special Assessment is being collected in two halves instead of all in February.
3. Business Meeting
Bylaw Updates
Bylaw changes that had been voted on at the 2013 Annual Meeting have never formally been incorporated into the bylaws. Kori worked with Bill Kranz to update the bylaws. A “redline version” including where the updates had been made and a “clean version” formatted for acceptance were presented. Brad suggested that everyone review them and that they should be signed at the next board meeting.
Bill Kranz also presented the following insight to the voting process used at Bayport Marina Association regarding “the voting issue raised via email”. He states: What you are describing is “cumulative voting”; a member is to vote for three directors and casts all three votes for a one person. This is not allowed by Minnesota’s Non-Profit Corporation Act unless it is specifically provided for in the By-Laws. Our By-Laws do not allow for it. The ballot can state or make clear only one vote can be cast for each candidate. Cumulative voting is not allowed.
We need to communicate with members the correct process for voting and all other association procedures.
Transfer Fee
Brad brought up that the current $150 transfer fee for slip sales was set back in 1996 and if the figure was adjusted for inflation, it would be about $230. He stated that it may be time to adjust the fee. Kori noted that the amount of time spent on slip transfers is minimal compared to other transactions that take place in the office such as processing contracts. She suggested that instead of increasing the fee on just the slip sales, we have a processing fee for other transactions between members and BMA. Brad suggested taking it offline for discussion.
Filing with the Secretary of State
Kori was working with Brad on the process of having signing privileges on our BMA bank accounts when we were informed “per the State of Minnesota”, that Morgan is listed as “President” until our renewal in December of 2014. The bank suggested that Cliff Lewis be listed as President since that does not change annually and he could authorize a new Commodore as an approved signer when they begin their year as commodore in July. This would not change any of the checks and balances that are in place, and would also save BMA the $55 change fee that we incur annually.
Eric made a motion for the filing with the state to reflect Cliff Lewis as the President, Val seconded.
Org Chart
Val Fuller accepted the role of Secretary.
Dave Peterka volunteered to be part of the financial committee.
Keith Vinje and Sandor Csallany volunteered to be part of the building, equipment and grounds committee.
Marketing Plan for Slips
Morgan has taken on the task of developing a model that shows the benefits of slip ownership over renting. It will show a cost analysis of financing a slip versus paying rent for 10 years. He plans to have an informational meeting after the haul-out lottery to present this information along with developing additional marketing materials relating to purchasing a slip at BMA. The goal is to promote ownership alongside rental at the Minneapolis Boat Show. It was decided that lifestyle and the value of equity versus cost would be points to highlight in the presentation.
4. Marina Operations
Keith brought to our attention that the nozzle on diesel pump is too large to fit in some sail boat tanks. Cliff and Kori were unaware of the issue and said we would change the nozzle out immediately the following day.
Cliff stated that he is working on the winter plans for A-Dock. He and the contractor have been discussing a plan to add some pylons once the boats are off the dock. They plan to add ten 10” pylons. A Dock did move a little due to high water, but B Dock did not with the addition of the new pylons. He is also looking at possible options for making the pylon brackets ourselves versus purchasing them since they are an expensive item with long lead times. He is working on getting pricing for the steel wheels and will do a cost comparison.
Currently, the grounds crew is working on replacing floats on C Dock and are almost finished getting the C-Dock fingers refloated to the correct height. They are starting the same process on A Dock next week.
Cliff has been communicating with Terry from Freeway Electric regarding wire costs and expect prices to go down a bit this fall. Terry has pulled our electrical permits and they are working on getting an easement from the condo association for the electrical on A Dock.
People are still experiencing some challenges with the WiFi. Coni says that the system does not time out for five days but releasing the IP address is something that may need modifying. It will source/seek out the strongest signal so it doesn’t matter if you are signed into North or South as it will pick up what is available. Kori said that the plan for usernames and password starting in the 2015 season will be more streamlined and should be able to stay with a boater from season to season and not be related to the slip.
Sprinkler system is up and working. It took several visits from our contractor to correct everything.
Morgan pointed out that some of the rip rock on the point appears to be washed away from the high water in the spring.
It was a quiet week with some small boat repairs. Mike is anticipating we will be getting into some “end of the season” repairs and then winterization.
5. Social Committee Update
Attendance for both the Antique Boat Show and the private evening party were down. Val suggested that having the boat show on an annual basis may be too frequent. She suggested that perhaps having the boat show every other year or every third year would make it more anticipated and special. The lower attendance was not due to advertising as we had advertised above and beyond any other year. The evening event conflicted with the St. Croix Yacht Club event since they had to change the date due to high water. Some members have suggested that they might like to have a “no-cost” event such as a pot-luck dinner at the “end of summer” event.
6. Old Business
Kori updated the Book of Decisions with all of the decisions made since January 2014. A decision was made to post them on the Member’s Only section of the website after Val reviews them. We also plan to add the Member Directory and the Board of Directors contact information to the website.
7. New Business
Past Commodore’s Reception is set for September 30th.
Three slips on B Dock were getting over charged for their cover rolls as their covers do not extend to the end of their slips (these are the transition slips that go from one length slip on one side and a longer length on the other side as the slip lengths increase along the head pier). As the slip owners have already incurred the cost of rolling/unrolling them in the spring, the board agreed to adjust the costs on the fall assessments for this season. The costs will be correct moving forward.
Meeting adjourned 9:09.
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