December 12, 2018

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Marina Clubhouse
December 12, 2018

Board Present:                                                  Absent:                

Tore Detlie                                                          Rachael Harvey
Ed Manor                                                            Matthew Kasinkas
Eric Pederson                                                     Bob Reilly
Dave Peterka                    
Russell Sheaffer
Amy Tolbert

Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm by Commodore Amy Tolbert.  Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

I. Business Meeting

a. Approval of Meeting Minutes

After a grammar change, a motion was made by Eric Pederson to approve the November 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Ed Manor.  There was unanimous approval.

b. November Financials

Dave Peterka stated that the items that have been under or over budget continue to be the same for November.  Slip rental income is over budget by about $30,000 because of a good rental season filling slips and filling slips for the whole season.  Service labor continues to be significantly behind by about $70,000 due to the late/poor season.  Lastly, our storage [of docks] is currently behind but only due to timing and will be caught up by December.  Overall, revenue is down from budget by $43,000. 

On the expense side, payroll continues to be under budget.  Gas and oil is over budget, but due to the fact that we sold more than budgeted.  Capital improvements is under budget due to some changes in projects, but repair and maintenance is over budget due to a number of critical items needing replacement.  Freight-In is over budget since freight never used to be separated out from the cost of the parts.  This year Kori has worked to separate out the freight costs to avoid inflating the cost of inventory.   

Our Net Ordinary Income at the end of November is under budget by approximately $28,000 and after other income and expenses our Net Income is over budget by approximately $40,000.

As for accounts receivable, there are four accounts over 90 days and Kori is working on all four to get them paid in full.    

Kori said as a reminder since the draft of the budget was approved during the November board meeting there is not further discussion needed on that.  After the first of the year a letter regarding a vote on the budget will be sent to owners, with the results due prior to the next board meeting.  

c. Marina Operations

Winter work is progressing nicely, there are five jobs in progress but on hold waiting for parts/outside/etc., five jobs have already been completed, two boats are in the shop currently, and two more are on deck to come in before the end of the week.  In addition to the boats already mentioned, there are 16 more boats on our winter work list for service and canvas work.  Additionally, inventory is 80% complete. 

The air exchanger in the service department is finally complete, the vendor had to change out the original furnace they installed and add a hood to the intake on the back of the service building.

Scott Nielsen is working on updates to the fuel dock.  The other crew will begin decking at the fuel dock after the first of the year.  The first set of customer paid Hang-Me-Outs is complete, we will install the hose reels in the spring to ensure placement.  The crew is now working on the second set.  Additionally, we still have two sets of gutters to install, raise one cover and also measure all cover heights to help with renting slips/when owners purchase new boats instead of measuring them one by one as we need to know. 

The work boat was delivered with a special thanks to Dick Fuller and Steve Kuzj for delivering it.  We did test drive the boat after delivery in a very small area due to the cold temperatures.    

Kori has been doing the reviews this week with the appropriate supervisors, service/refinishing techs, canvas technicians and yard crew are complete.  Kori just has her three direct reports to do before the end of the week.  The reviews have been going well with very positive feedback about new processes and direction we are moving in.  Amy will be doing Kori’s on December 17th.

Kori has received over 100 resumes in for the Office Manager position.  She has been reviewing them and will start interviewing after the first of the year.  Brett and Ellsa have been helping in the office.  They are helping with slip paperwork and updating customer information as we move into a new season and other administrative duties.    

The furnace for the Clubhouse will be replaced Friday morning.  

Slip rental has not changed.  So far, the people Kori has contacted on the wait list have not taken any of the open slips.  The main issue is that A-Dock is a foot narrower than C-Dock.  Kori will continue to go through the wait list to get these slips rented.

Bob Schroeder, of A-12, has stepped in to help with the discussion with Cintas regarding the uniforms.  He is part of TPD Group (The Purchasing Department) and has national accounts within Cintas, however, we are not within the 18-month time frame needed to move into this category.  The rep was more open and showed additional options regarding a lease and maintenance program verses the laundering program we currently have.  Kori is waiting to hear back from the rep on some pricing and if we can move to the TPD Group national pricing.

Employee Handbook

Kori and the Board Members went page by page through the draft of the Employee Handbook for final review before it is put into effect after the first of the year.  Per discussions from the Board Members Kori will be reviewing a couple items with Arlene, the HR consultant, and then present the final Handbook to staff in January.  

Motion made by Eric Pederson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Amy Tolbert; meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.