Board Meeting Minutes December 19, 2012
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Larkin Hoffman Attorneys Conference Room, Minneapolis
December 19, 2012
Board present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Chris Ridgway
Steve Paquette
Meeting called to order at 10:24 am by Commodore Marcus Gernes.
1. Meeting Minutes –November 20, 2012
Motion by Morgan to approve Minutes as written. Seconded by Val. Unanimous approval.
2. Financials
Negative monthly income due to the payment of $18,750 to JJRSmith Group for the Marina Assessment.
3. General Manager Report
Service crew is off until January 2.
Bonus program was well received and all reviews have been conducted.
Continue to have service jobs without dock demo/reconstruct project. No new work requests have been received. However Cliff estimates there is a $70k backlog.
Cliff stated all service techs had used their vacation at yearend with the exception of Mike. He is allowing him to carryover to next year. Brad opposed this practice and recommended all PTO time be used by yearend. If PTO does remain by year end the person can request up to 50% of total yearly PTO be paid in cash. Marcus requested Kathy email Employee Handbook to all Board Members highlighting the section regarding vacation and sick time benefits. Brad recommended all employees each year re-sign a statement confirming they received the Handbook and have read it. The Board will review the Handbook and make necessary changes prior to the start of 2013.
2013 Budget – the increased revenue from slip rentals was added to the BMA slip upgrades. The decrease in real estate taxes was reallocated to the Member Social Events account ($18k). Recommendation to split the total account budget between the months events occur i.e. June and August.
4. Committee Updates
Social Committee
Val stated she did not have anything to report until January. Cliff met with Steve Watson, General Manager of Mendakota Country Club who is interested in catering the Commodore’s Ice Breaker June 1. Val will get info from Cliff and make contact. Michelle recommended Val contact a tent company in Hudson for tent rentals as she believes the cost would be considerably less.
An additional note regarding the Point: recommendation to have Cliff research the cost to pave an 8 ft wide path from the roadway down to the Point.
5. Marina Revitalization Project
Gas Dock Update
Recommendation to get local subs for electrical and plumbing. Question was asked what needs to be upgraded/ replaced. Marcus stated JJR’s recommendation was to replace all wiring. Brad recommended Cliff consult with Bill to set a ranking of what is priority in replacing. Marcus further stated unless there was a strong counter argument to Bill’s recommendation, the electrical should be replaced. Brad recommended a conference call with Bill for: 1) Clarity of report and 2) What involvement should JJR have in the future.
Agenda items for moving forward with electrical:
1) Meeting with Bill – was the substance of the report CYA?
2) Bring in a couple local electricians and inform exactly what our expectations are. Marcus to be involved in these meetings.
Cliff stated he has purchased some of the angle iron. He further stated he has spent considerable time finding a place to purchase the Moisture Shield product. He has made contact with a distributor to buy product before yearend at a discounted price. Cliff informed he will have all equipment and materials and the old decking torn down by the end of January. New installation will start February 1. Cliff presented he’d also like to replace the LED lights on the Gas Dock removing the low-voltage lights on the gangways. Jim made a recommendation to research the installation of motion-sensor lights.
Cliff stated Energy Solutions will remove the Gas Pumps by the end of January. Once removed, boards will come up and additional steel will be added to “beef up”.
One 30 Amp and one 50 Amp pedestal will be added to the Gas Dock for emergency use.
Cliff does not think plumbing needs to be replaced at the Gas Dock.
Marcus advised all work at the Gas Dock needs to be completed by April 1 – prior to launch season.
Morgan asked how decking will be installed. Cliff stated it will be cross-wise on the fingers and length-wise on the head pier. Jim concurred this was the best method.
Question was asked how many slips are for sale. Kathy stated there were currently 10 slips listed. There have been four slips sold in the last couple months with sale prices of $2,100-$2,675/slip ft. Brad recommended that the marina consider purchasing some of the slips based on the rate of return they would produce and because of the drop in price per foot. The Association will consider purchasing between 2-5 slips currently for sale and then rent them out. Kathy was instructed to email the list of slips to Board Members for review.
6. Discussion of Bayport Managing all Rental Contracts
Due to the majority of Slip Lease Agreements already completed for 2013, Marcus recommended tabling this topic for a meeting in the future.
7. By-Law Change for Slip Ownership
Marcus enlisted Bill Kranz to write a change in the By-Laws limiting the number of slips one individual could own. The draft of the document was distributed to the Board Members. Motion was made by Brad to adopt the language as written by Kranz and recommended adding the number 7 which would represent the number of slips one entity could own. Motion seconded by Morgan. Unanimous approval. The By-Law change will be presented to the Members for vote at the Annual Meeting in June.
8. Open Business
Brad asked Cliff if he had researched any Project Software for the Dock Revitalization Project. He further stated with a project of this magnitude it would be helpful to have software providing task timelines/deadlines. Brad suggested he contact Bill of JJR Smith for a recommendation of software.
Cliff announced Bayport Marina is one of the first five Clean Marinas in Minnesota. He further stated he is on the Task Force for the organization that is striving to get more marinas involved in the efforts.
Motion by Chris to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Val. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 3:14pm.
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