Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
August 16, 2017
Board Present: Absent:
Joel Lemanski Bob Reilly
Ed Manor Russell Sheaffer
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Brien Slawik
Albert Sturm
Amy Tolbert
Meeting called to order at 6:38 pm by Commodore Brien Slawik. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
I. Business Meeting
a. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Albert Sturm to approve the November 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes, it was seconded by Dave Peterka. There was unanimous approval.
b. October & YTD Financials
Dave Peterka stated we continue to do well on revenue this year, approximately $155,000 over budget. Slip rental, service labor, service parts, fuel dock and other revenues are all over budget for projected income. We are also under budget on expenses as a whole.
As for the balance sheet, Dave focused on the Accounts Receivable and at this time we have four accounts that are of issue. They are the same as last month and include Group 41, Mallards, Steve Watson (boat on the property) and one member who has not paid their fall assessments. All four are being worked on for collecting. The Boat Doctor and JL Boatworks will owe their 2017 shrinkwrap commissions. Kori is contacting them to get the data for the balances due.
Next the board members reviewed the second draft of the 2018 budget. Discussion amongst the board regarding the changes that were made from draft one occurred. The board asked Michael to provide additional detail regarding some items following the board meeting and an email approval would be provided in the days proceeding.
II. Marina Operations
Michael did not give a report due to the time spent on the budget.
III. Group 41 Update
There has been no additional details since Brien Slawik said that Bill Kranz served Brett MacDonald, of Group 41, the outline of the law suit, prior to the November Board Meeting. Mallards has not officially renewed since Group 41 is not communicating with them either.
IV. New Business
The MarineMax Lease has been revised by Bill Kranz, following a meeting that Michael, Brien and Kori had with Jay Rasmusson and Erik Forsberg of MarineMax. The terms for the lease for the coming year will remain the same, but there will be a 5% increase on rents the following year with a renewal. Kori will send the contract off to Sam Lowrey, the MarineMax Real Estate Lease Manager for approval, which is expected.
V. Railroad Blacktopping Update
Eric Pederson said that he has been in contact with the three people who are necessary to sign off on the blacktopping of the railroad tracks and that they have agreed to renew the permit. He has also talked to Mike Knap or Bituminous Roadways asking him to the insurance back in place for when the job would be complete. Obviously, this will have to wait until spring and they would like to work it into their schedule when they are back in the area as they are the contractor for the asphalt work that Sunnyside Marina has scheduled.
VI. New Business
Amy Tolbert suggested it is never too early to consider recruiting people for the Board Member positions that will open up. She suggested every Board Member should start having discussions with Members about the opportunity to serve.
Motion made by Brien Slawik to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Eric Pederson, meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.