Board Meeting Minutes – December 7, 2011
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
December 7, 2011
Board Members present:
Russell Sheaffer
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Steve Paquette
Mathew Kasinkas
Chris Ridgway
Motion by Marcus to call the meeting to order, seconded by Michelle. Meeting called to order at 5:40pm. Due to the limited amount of time, individual departments did not give reports.
Russell began by stating that the Summary Judgment is still on for December 23, 2011 at the Washington County Courthouse at 1:00pm. Due to scheduling conflicts by Mr. Eckman, it had to be rescheduled to the December 23rd date.
Russell asked Cliff and Michelle about the 2011 BMA budget report draft. They were asked to convert the report into an Excel format. Cliff re-capped a few points in the budget: He states it reflects the past three years. The budget reflects $100,000.00 of parts and service down 50% on an average of all three years. Attorney fees were discussed as far as which category to list them under on the spread sheet. Sales figures were accurate to the best of Cliff’s knowledge. Insurance costs were up and Cliff stated that was true of other marina’s such as Sunny Side, but they saved 20,000.00 recently by changing vendors. Val mentioned she had an amazing insurance broker she would like to refer to Cliff. It appears there has been a 10.2 @ increase in the marina taxes.
Cliff touched briefly on the BIT computer software update. Mathew had a few comments on applications and compatibility. He offered to look into them. Cliff also talked about the increase in energy use and costs at the marina in 2011. Val asked about the possibility of a monthly Energy Plan and Cliff stated he would look into it. Russell inquired about putting covers on the thermostats so the public couldn’t change settings. Cliff is going to look into where the increase energy costs are occurring. Cliff will check out rented spaces such as Marine Max and Mari Canvas.
The cost increase on everything across the board was mentioned. The possibility was discussed that we should go to the members with an increase in fees for 2012 season. Cliff and Michelle will do a year over year for the past 11 months.
Russell said a 3% increase for salary compensations. Not everyone will be at 3%, but that is the general figure across the board. Cliff asked that $36,000 be allocated for a parts employee. We discussed whether a parts person was needed full time and/or in the winter months. Cliff feels it is necessary. It was also mentioned that a $36,000 salary base does not include the total compensation package for the new potential employee. Cliff said Sherm is too busy to handle the parts ordering and inventory and that a good parts person will pay for themselves.
We discussed setting a date for an early January meeting after the budget was finalized and the Summary Judgment was complete. It was decided to set the date after the December 23rd Summary Judgment hearing.
Matthew brought up that the BIT Software Demo was very good. The 8.0 development environment code is 9.3. The sample was straight forward, but it reminded him of older software, not windows application. Michelle asked if they could create crystal reports and he said no. Matthew questioned Tom Springer from BIT, whether everything will be networked, including gas dock and dockage and the answer was yes. The entire board agreed that the software needed to be purchased very quickly as the end of the year was approaching. Val Fuller asked if Cliff knew what percentage of the market share BIT had. Matthew and Cliff are just waiting on the last of the data from BIT, before making the final decision on the purchase. Michelle noted there was a learning curve involved and lots of support questions will take time.
Cliff will ask Tom what the project timeline is and forward all email correspondence to Matthew going forward through purchase and application. Marcus asked if the software allowed expert data. Russell indicated that it would be Kathy that would be the most involved with the software and needed the most involved training and knowledge overall.
Russell briefly discussed that we needed to finish the variable comp table to handle salary increases going forward in the 2012 season so we can gauge performance and merit.
Marcus and Morgan asked if the new software had the capability for emailing members. Also, campaign management on the service side and retail side. The answer to both is yes.
After a review by the Grounds and Building Committee along with Cliff, the decision was made to change the policy of the clubhouse rental. Beginning January 1, 2012, clubhouse rental will be exclusive to Members only i.e. no outside rental of the clubhouse. Some exceptions will be made for local organizations i.e. Andersen Windows and non-profits i.e. Stillwater Chamber and Power Squadron to hold weekday meetings. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Events already on the calendar will be honored for the coming year.
Closed session from 6:15 to 6:25.
Morgan motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Val. Meeting was adjourned at 6:25pm.
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