February 15, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2012
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
February 15, 2012

Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Marcus Gernes
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Russell Sheaffer

Val Fuller
Matthew Kasinkas
Michelle Lemanski

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Russell Sheaffer.

1. Meeting Minutes – January 18, 2012

Motion by Marcus to approve Minutes with corrections discussed. Seconded by Morgan. Unanimous approval.

2. General Manager Report

· IMBC – Orlando Cliff gave an overview of his conference. Stated a lot of time was spent in round-table discussions with other marina managers.

· Pumpout Station – Grant for PO Station has been approved by State. Cliff has ordered pump with the required 50% downpayment. Lead time for pump is estimated to be 4-6 weeks. Once work is completed, State will reimburse up to 75% of initial bid/estimate submitted with grant application.

· Boat Show – Cliff stated he and Kathy talked with a lot of people and promoted interest in the Marina. In 2011, at the time of the Boat Show there were 21 open slips for rent. This year there are 15. Russell commented that the new display in the booth looked great.

· BiT Software – installer from BiT will be here on the 27th. Mike and Kathy have been busy getting prep work completed before his arrival. Training will be over 4 days.

· Grounds – Sherm and other service staff have been continuing projects. With the weather being mild, most of the projects have been outside. Dock edging will be ordered with the goal of getting it installed prior to launch season. Russell instructed Kathy to send a reminder to members if they are interested in replacing to notify Cliff before ordering. She is also to inquire if there are any members interested in replacing their covers. Cliff will provide a proposal to members before they would have to commit.

· SW Request – Russell instructed Cliff run all pricing and process changes through the Board. Cliff stated he checked with other marinas and set the $300 fee as a benchmark. He further stated having one fee for all SWs was a method to simplify the previous fee structure. Trailer storage is included in this fee. No discount is given if a trailer is not stored on the grounds. The question was presented if a dinghy could be stored on the Jet Ski Ramp. The consensus of the Board was if a dinghy is within the same width as a Jet Ski, it could be parked on the ramp.

Another question was presented by a member regarding Ramp n’ Store (having a boat on land and using the ramp when needed). There are currently three boaters who are not members that use this service. Motion by Russell to grandfather in these individuals but no other non-members will be added to this rental policy. Seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval. Recommendation to review this policy next year. The Board agreed the price for the non-members Ramp n’ Store would be $80/ft and for members the fee will be $40/ft. Ramp n’ Store is limited to boat size of 24 ft and under. Non-members will not be allowed to use the dinghy and Jet Ski storage slips.

Cliff was instructed to research the DNR rules for parking boats on the head piers of the docks – in or out of the water.

· Clubhouse Improvements – No progress to report. Cliff has done some research on high-top table/chair sets. Cliff continues to work with Val on ideas. Recommendation by Russell to find an interior designer and develop a master plan. The cost of $1500-$2000 for this service would be money well spent. Morgan will contact a boater he knows who is an interior designer.

3. Other

Kathy compiled an Assessment Analysis comparing Bayport Marina to the other four marinas in the area. The report was distributed to Board Members.

4. 2012 Budget

Russell recommended in the future, the Board footnote and provide a narrative of all variances to the Budget. Kathy was instructed to inform Members the Budget was approved and to thank them for their support.

5. Financials

· Kathy is waiting for a response from Mullen’s office regarding corrections to the Inventory and Investment accounts. She will provide an updated Balance Sheet upon receipt from Mullen.

· Security – Russell to revisit with Cliff regarding security needs during the boating season.

· Slip Rental – Kathy stated slip rental volume is same as last year – difference is due to billing in January vs. February.

· Payment of $10k to Gregg as retirement payout will be made after March 1. This was included in 2012 Budget.

6. Long Range Planning

Kathy compiled the comments of Board Member into one spreadsheet that was distributed at meeting. The question was presented to Cliff regarding the progress of the grill hang-me outs. Cliff stated they haven’t started working on them yet because of other projects. Recommendation by Morgan to contact Ron Haussner for welding of grill hang-me outs.

There was discussion of hiring a pool attendant to monitor trespassing into the pool area. Kathy will run the usage reports from the security database and report back next month.

Pool reel and cover – Cliff was instructed to email Marcus the pool size. Marcus has a reel he is not using that might be the right size for the Marina pool. Russell asked Cliff to analyze if the cost of chemicals and heat being lost was greater than the cost of a reel, a cover and manpower to unroll and roll cover each day i.e. is the solution more expensive than the waste.

Cliff was instructed to review the items noted for action in 2012 on the Long Range Planning worksheet and confirm they were included in the 2012 Budget.

7. Service Dept Survey

Russell recommended a change to Question #4 of the Survey Monkey Service Survey allowing for a more accurate tabulation of the responses. It was the consensus of Members to send out the Survey for service, launch and haulout service. Kathy will remind members to return the Survey as it is the basis for the Variable Comp program.

8. 2012 Variable Comp

Tabled until March meeting when all members are in attendance.

9. Closed Session

Motion by Chris to adjourn meeting, seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.

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