February 21, 2018

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
February 21, 2018
Board Present:                              Absent:
Joel Lemanski                          Ed Manor
Eric Pederson                         Albert Sturm
Dave Peterka
Bob Reilly
Russell Sheaffer
Brien Slawik
Amy Tolbert

Meeting called to order at 6:27 pm by Commodore Brien Slawik.  Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

I. Business Meeting 

a. Approval of Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Russell Sheaffer to approve the January 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes, it was seconded by Bob Reilly.  There was unanimous approval.

b. January Financials

Dave stated that we are starting the year off well and are over on income and under on expenses.  The comparison between 2017 & 2018 shows that we are within $702 of net income on the previous year, so if that is a good projection of what is to come for the year, that is good.

The A/R balances are all normal, expect the Group 41 payment that is due and the balance of the Steve Watson account we are trying to collect.

II. Marina Operations

Kori started by saying that she has been very busy.  At the end of January she attended IMBC (International Marina and Boatyard Conference) in New Orleans.  The other four St. Croix River Marinas were in attendance, and since we have such a unique relationship in the area we don’t act as competitors and instead see each other as different neighborhoods.  She collaborated with the other GM’s and by all agreeing to using MYMIC safety training for forklift and travel lift training and a safety audit we were able to secure a much lower rate.  The training/audit will be during the week of March 19.  The conference was also a great learning experience from the conferences presented and allowed her to meet some vendors in the industry that will be helpful in the future.

Since returning there have been several other meetings that she has been involved in, including a meeting with G&K Reps to review our provided services contract.  G&K was purchased by Cintas and are currently transitioning.  Field work has been performed by Mullen’s CPA firm for the audit, along with meeting with our insurance company for our work comp audit.  She has also met with both Comcast and Voice Carrier to find a solution for transitioning to a VoIP phone system so that the fuel dock can be tied into the phone system, to be more efficient and provide better customer service to callers.  Kori has also been attending an HR management class and the teacher is providing services to assist Kori with additional skill development.  Kori is very appreciative of this support and additional knowledge to use in this role.

Terry from Freeway Electric was able to retrofit the two nonfunctioning lights in front of Mallards.  He is working on quoting the rest of the parking lot lighting to switch over to LEDs.  He believes that switching to LEDs would have approximately a two-year payback since they are so much more efficient than our current lighting.

Launch Letters were just mailed, and request forms are due back March 16.  The launch schedule will be published on March 21.  The first anticipated day of launch will be April 16.  In order to be more efficient Kori asked all the staff to help with the mailing and they were able to fold, stuff and seal the entire mailing in just over 15 minutes.  Team work!

a. Service & Canvas

Tom in Canvas is currently work on Travis Holt’s 380 Sundancer, which is full canvas and upholstery job, this should take him about three weeks to complete.  He has a couple small repairs to fit in during that time and will then be bringing in a trailerable boat for a bow and cockpit cover.

The Lemanski boat is still in the shop for the top deck to get fiberglass work and painting.  They should be spending a couple more weeks on this until the paint job is complete.  The Sea Scout boat is also currently in the shop for a bottom job.  Mike has been doing some research on paint booths for the safety of our employees and to ensure good paint jobs free of debris.

The service crew suspects that with the predicted warmer temps that they will be able to get outside soon to do some smaller mechanical repairs and to begin installing the may props that need to be put back on.

b. Yard

The yard crew is continuing on the brush cutting and are done with A, B & C and have moved over to D-Dock.  They are also starting to prep for putting the bubblers in to protect the harbor from any ice shifting if temperatures do warm up.  Additionally, with a number of snowfalls they have had several plowing/shoveling days.  We continue to have to move back our snow piles since they are so big.

III. Old Business

a. Group 41

Brien stated that the lawsuit is in play and he has been communicating with Bill Kranz on any details that they get back from the Group 41 lawyers.  Brien assumes they will try to offer a counter.  The consensus from the group was for Brien to ask Bill what recourse we have for recuperating legal fees.  This would help us decide if we would even consider any counter offer that was directed to us.

Closed door meeting following regular board meeting.  No motion was recorded to adjourn.