January 22, 2014

Board Meeting Minutes – January 22, 2014
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
January 22, 2014

Board Present:
Brad Baune
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Amy Tolbert

Sandor Csallany

Special Guest: Kori Derrick

Meeting called to order at 6:25 PM buy Commodore Morgan Fudge. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

1. Introduction of New BMA Office Manager

Morgan and Cliff introduced the new office manager, Kori Derrick to the Board. Kori shared a little bit about herself and her background. She starts 1.31.14

2. Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Amy to approve the December 18 Meeting Minutes as presented, seconded by Val.

3. Financials

It was noted that Steve is retiring in February. Steve reviewed handout given at meeting. Key points: Our income was $68,000 less than we anticipated. On expenses we ran to budget, but since we didn’t make what we anticipated, we came in low. But, Steve thinks it looks good overall.

Cliff noted that: All the marinas on the River are having a bad year. We completed the Gas Dock, did the RPM Survey, made the steel purchase, threw the 25th Anniversary Ice Breaker party, had the settlement to the lawsuit, bought new floats, new doors for the Gas Dock and the Locker Rooms, Cliff was paid two bonuses (one from the year before and one for 2013), and paid out vacation time to Kathy and Mike.

4. 2014 Budget

Morgan, Michelle, and Brad counted the votes for the 2014 Budget.

Tally: 61 votes for the 2014 Budget. 5 votes against the 2014 Budget.

A simple majority was needed. The 2014 Budget has been approved by the Board.

Morgan read some of the pertinent notes from the voting cards:

Note 1: One note (a “Yes” vote) commented, “It would have been nice to have had 2-3 years of budget history.” Morgan noted that perhaps we could post the budget history in the “Members Only” section and point people there for further information.

Note 2: “Not happy with BMRP.” On a “No” vote.

Note 3: “Dues and special assessments should be spaced out and explained better.”

Footnote on the Gas Dock project: Brad mentioned that the $90,000 for this should be bookmarked as having been part of the BMRP. But it has all been paid out of GL in 2013 and 2012.

5. Dock Project

An update from Cliff – we only have 8 fingers left on B Dock, but we need more steel. We are almost 50% complete, and just a couple weeks behind. We’ve had a few cold days that were unavoidable.

We got a few guys from Dominic’s crew to help out, they know how to weld etc. and are great assets. We should be finishing the steel next week. The wood is scheduled to arrive on Friday. We are aiming to be done by the end of March.

Update on Scott and his crew – Scott is very knowledgeable and has impacted the project positively even more that we could have thought!

Electrical Cabinets – The Cabinets should be in Monday or Tuesday. The Sub Station in 2 weeks. The electrical crew is projected to only take about 1-2 weeks.

Jim asked, “Where are we with Excel?” Cliff said he has not heard from them since the last visit in November but would call this week.

Financing – Cliff has been talking with Andy Rollwagen. Brad asked about closing cost. The Board all agreed to roll charges into loan.

Wood and Docks – We’ve cut, sealed and drilled 200 boards, the system is working okay, with only 59,800 holes to left to drill.

Brad commented that we should watch the 3 pylons that were driven in to see if the need to be driven in deeper next year. He felt that they were possibly a little unstable.

6. Minneapolis Boat Show 2014

Cliff, Kori, and Tavia will be at the Minneapolis Boat Show. Joel and Michelle Lemanski volunteered to help as well.
Tavia made a sign for the drawing box – we are doing a giveaway with Mallards! Tavia also made a calendar of events for the year. We will print the open slips on the back of some of them for the Minneapolis Boat Show to raise interest.

Cliff commented that we have 20 open slips for rent: 16 BMA and 4 privately owned.

Cliff and Tavia have been calling people to see if they are interested in renting or renewing. Morgan asked if the 16 open slips included the Boulder area. Cliff said that, yes, it does.

7. Tore Detlie

Cliff followed up with BMA’s attorney and insurance company. They both strongly advised against letting non employees in the building at all.

Tore came in to the BMA Office and Cliff explained the situation. Tore was very understanding about the situation. Mike Hurley is willing to work with Tore as much as possible and to come in whenever Tore wanted to come in to work on his boat. Tore has appreciated that we were willing to work with him to this extent.

Brad commented that he thinks Tore appreciated that we gave him time and were willing to listen.

Morgan complimented Cliff on handling the situation well and noted that it was his time and patience that made it happen.

Eric commented that this was the best turnout possible.

8. The Service Shop

Cliff said that the shop has been very busy! No major updates.

9. Slip Sales

Steve asked if we are selling any slips. Cliff noted that we still needed the Board to make a motion.

Morgan said that we have to sell several of the slips as it is part of the BMRP Plan. Brad commented that we should have everything ready by the Minneapolis Boat Show so we can advertise appropriately.

Morgan asked if the Board could make a motion to sell 4 slips.

Brad made a motion to create an opportunity to sell up to 4 slips of varying size, but if we sell 2 we will retract the other two until a later date. Amy seconded the motion. The motion passed.

10. Slip Number Plaques

Morgan and Cliff handed out a mock-up of the first draft. Steve and Eric commented that the size of the numbers should be much larger. Morgan noted that perhaps it should be large enough to cover two boards. Val commented that it should probably be in the BMA official colors. Jim and Steve noted that the date needed to be changed to “1988”.

11. Social Update

Morgan opened up the social portion and asked Val for an update on the Social Committee.

Val walked us through the social calendar for the Boating Season. She also asked Morgan if he had picked a theme for his Ice Breaker Party. He said he had not and that he would be okay with anything. Val put forward a Kentucky Derby theme. Morgan liked it and said he would follow up with Val. Val noted that we had permission from Cliff to have the Ice Breaker between Docks B and C again. Bands are secured for both parties. Mallards on the St. Croix will be catering.

The Antique Boat Show – We need to do more advertising and build up a buzz. We are hiring an artist to make a poster for the show! They have agreed to paint it. It will be a limited edition BMA poster only available at the show. The artist will be at the show to sign and greet people.

Tavia is to send Michelle’s pictures to Val for them to reference for the artwork.

Morgan asked, “How early did we start advertising last year?” Michelle noted that we should start now. Michelle will send Val contacts to reach out to.

Tavia will make a flyer for the Minneapolis Boat Show to advertise and build excitement.

Michelle noted that we should ask Kathy when she sent out the invitations in the past.

Morgan commented to Tavia that we should get a buzz going via social media!

Morgan also noted that our Artisan group was large and was wondering if we could expand on that? Val said that the tent space will only fit so many and that she also thought that we should keep the theme more nautical.

12. Old Business Name Proposal

Sandor was ill tonight and asked that we table the discussion until another time.

13. Closed Sessions Question

Michelle noted that we have to have meeting minutes for the Closed Sessions and put forward that perhaps we should not have Closed Sessions.

14. Signs

Eric noted that Gail at Mallards asked about better signs pointing to their location. Something for Cliff to consider.

15. Closed Session.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM.

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