Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Combined Meeting / Conference Call
July 15, 2020
Member | Present | Remote | Absent |
Tore Detlie (Commodore) | X | ||
Matthew Kasinkas (Vice Commodore) | X | X | |
Curt Gray (Treasurer) | X | ||
Meredith Pederson (Secretary) | X | ||
Rachael Harvey | X | ||
Bob Reilly | X | ||
Jason Fabio | X | X | |
John Gagich | X | ||
William Given | X |
This BMA Board meeting was conducted in-person / via conference Zoom call pursuant to the Emergency Executive Order 20-04 Providing for Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation issued on March 16, 2020.
Call To Order
- The BMA board meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by the Commodore. It was confirmed that a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
- Tore introduced the new Board Members.
- Tore’s Goals for 2020/2021
- Keep the Marina Financially Sound
- Keep the Marina Members and Staff Healthy
- Generate a Plan for the Restaurant Property
- Business Meeting
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- A motion was made by Matthew Kasinkas and seconded by Bob Reilly, to approve the May 21, 2020 BMA Board Meeting Minutes. Approval by the BMA Board was unanimous.
- Financial Review – Kori Derrick-Cisewski, GM
- Kori reported that the June YTD financials look good. The Balance sheet is healthy and P&L bottom line is strong despite the bit of softness in service labor and parts YOY. It is great to see gas dock revenue up – people are using their boats!
November 2019 through June 2020; Profit and Loss Budget vs Actual
Total Income:
- Total income is $1,276,488
Total Expense:
- Total expenses are $1,187508
Net Ordinary Income:
- Total ordinary income is $89,980
Net Income:
- Total net income is $46,834
AR Aging Summary:
- AR summary shows as of June 30, 2020, a $89,535 account receivables balance (down from April’s $118,665 account balance). Management has reached out to all individuals with past due amounts and are expected to make payments.
- Total AR balance $89,535
- Total AR Balance under 30 days $76,260
- Marina Operations
General Update – Kori Derrick-Cisewski, General Manager
The following is a review of the general marina activities.
- Pool up and running, 32 people maximum in the pool area per MN Stay Safe regulations. We passed our Washington County inspection. We have had a few times there was slightly more than 32 people in the pool area, security handled it.
- The transient dock has been very busy this summer. Daniele has implemented the Dockwa app for transient rentals – payment also done through that app.
- Fuel sales are over budget.
- Slip rentals – the Marina is full. Kori indicates if we had more slips, we could certainly rent more. The week before this meeting, we had 5 people contact the office to determine if they could rent or buy slips. BMA is in high demand.
- We have received many positive comments regarding the fuel dock personnel in assisting customers.
- Siding for service building is ordered. We plan on starting that in the September/October time frame.
- We are in the process of changing trash companies. Republic services cannot provide weekly recycling to the Marina. When our contract expires in August, Waste Management will begin providing service.
New Business
Item –A – Property Committee 2020/2021
- The restaurant property will need to be separate from the Marina since we can only have a specific amount of revenue from nonmembers as a nonprofit. The current owner, Group 41, has a history of lawsuits, etc. with the marina. Tore Detlie feels there is a need re-establish the property committee and who that should be on it. The marina does not have the financial resources to purchase the building without a loan and approval by Membership. The other possibility is that an outside group of investors purchase the property as an LLC and that the marina could be part of this group and manage the property.
- New Property Committee: Bob Reilly, Jason Fabio, Bill Given.
- Group 41 previously provided $1.4 million price tag for the property.
Item – B – Suggestions for Other Standing BOD Committees
- Long-Range Planning and Operations Committee: John Gagich, Meredith Pederson, Kori Derrick-Cisewski
- It should be noted that the marina has already had prior groups who have established goals and Kori has things in the works for the three-year plan.
- Kori sees the following as long-term areas of focus: Buildings/Infrastructure, Landscaping, Equipment.
Item – C – Electric Vehicle Charging
- It was discussed that we currently have several vehicles using electrical outlets on our power transformers. The question is, should the marina look into dedicated charging stations and how the Marina would be financially compensated for vehicles using them. This topic is being moved to the Long-Range Planning Committee.
Item –D – Marina Dredging Needs
- Kori will have Marina personnel check the depths using the work boat to determine if there are any needs for dredging.
- Approximately 15 years ago, some sediment came in and had to be removed at the harbor entrance. We do not believe there is a current issue but researching to be sure.
Item – E – Wi-Fi Needs for 2021
- Kori brough up the discuss of how much does BMA want to spend on infrastructure for free Wi-Fi provided to members? If you can stand outside your boat and get free Wi-Fi that is possibly the measure we need to use. There is an augmentation available for purchase that people can get to increase the Wi-Fi or an individual wired connection from Comcast. Our WiFi provider is telling us that the amount of usage has doubled since last year and that Comcast is currently oversubscribed and causing some of the issues. Kori wants us to make a decision as to what the marina should be responsible for in the future. Unresolved.
Additional Item 1– Myron Berglund
Death in Marina
- Myron Berglund was recovered from the water on 7/10. BMA’s insurance company hired legal counsel to perform an investigation. We are awaiting an autopsy results to determine cause of death. We are also awaiting updates from Washington County on their investigation. It is likely that there is no liability in marina. A final statement will be released to membership when Washington County concludes their investigation.
Additional Item 2 – COVID
- One fuel dock employee was positive for COVID, but it was during a time they had not worked. Daniele was able to replace them on the schedule during their required quarantine.
- Kori has a plan in place for handling COVID issues. The board and marina in general have been informed as to those plans.
- Kori informed us of Afton Marina dealing with cases amongst their full-time staff.
- Question: In addition to the Marina COVID response plan, should we have a plan on how we will proceed as a marina if a full-time staff member tests positive? Kori will create this plan and report back to the board for approval.
Kori wants input on:
Launch Ramp
Some members are seeing the launch ramp being used by outside people. Part of the problem is that members do not close the launch ramp after they use. Improving the gate is the first suggestion.
Treatment of Ash Trees
Kori asked the board if they would like to proceed with Ash Bore treatments for $12,000, to the trees since we have future landscape projects planned. It will slow the deterioration of the tree, but not eliminate the damage done by them. The unanimous decision was to not perform the treatment and instead work on the future landscape plan that will be done in phases. This, along with buckthorn mitigation will be added to future budgets.
- Old Business
Property Committee
- No new updates currently.
Additional Discussion
- Commodore Party canceled this year.
- Commodore Reception will take place 8/19. Meredith and Kori will get together and plan the event.
- Thank you note from Russell read to the Board.
Call to Adjourn
- A motion by Tore Detlie was made to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Bob Reilly. Approval by the BMA Board was unanimous.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.