July 24, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes – July 24, 2013
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
July 24, 2013

Board present:
Brad Baune
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Sandor Csallany
Michelle Lemanski
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Amy Tolbert

Jim Mondry
Sandor Csallany

Also present, former Commodore Marcus Gernes. Meeting called to order at 6:20 pm by Commodore Morgan Fudge.

Board Meeting Minutes – motion by Eric to approve, seconded by Brad. Unanimous approval.

Financials – Steve presented an overview of YTD financials. The June financials reflected a $28k profit vs. Budget which anticipated a $36k loss. He stated the reasons for the difference are due to the cover replacement & install not in the Budget, Service Labor up $18k, Gas Dock up $7k, and MarineMax up $10k. Expenses were also below Budget. However, it was noted the salaries expense was down due to the Variable Comp not being paid out in June. Steve further reported the checking account continues to build and the $30k that was withdrawn from the Feltl Investments has been paid back. Morgan commented he had Kathy compile an Excel spreadsheet for the Service department to include in the monthly financials. The spreadsheet will enable the Board to better track revenue and expenses throughout the year.

Brad presented the question if the fiscal year should end March 31, thus, financials would coincide with what was reported at the Annual Meetings in June. Further review of this will be done at a later date. Kathy was instructed to do a May to May comparison for the service department spreadsheet. Michelle inquired if the spreadsheet would be distributed to the entire membership. Morgan answered the spreadsheet was for the Board’s internal use of tracking and progress of the service department and would not be distributed. Morgan informed Mike will attend the Board Meetings and give an update on the Service Dept beginning with the August Meeting.

General Manager’s Report

a. Dock Floats – floats are on order. Unfortunately, the factory is behind but should ship them next week. Haven’t started the mapping of float replacement but will do in the near future.

b. Tree trimming – Sherm and Tom completed the trimming on the A Dock bank and the south bank of the condos (restaurant side). Condo residents and David of Mallards are very pleased how nice it looks. Eric also commented the view from A Dock is much nicer. Cliff informed Sherm walks the docks every morning at 7:15 to check for leaks and any other problems.

c. Electrical – BMA became a dealer of a comportable booster. Have not received yet. Hoping to test to see how things work for temporarily solving the power issues on B Dock boats. Brad questioned Michelle and Eric if it looks self-serving if the electrical on B Dock is replaced first. Eric felt if it’s articulated correctly to owners, he doesn’t see a problem – “have to do what’s right for the Marina.” Michelle does not think anyone on C Dock has power problems. The question was asked what will change with the new electrical. Cliff stated the output would be doubled and with a better source. Michelle inquired if new boats are more efficient i.e. if doubling the power was necessary. Cliff explained the new boats do have higher efficiency appliances, air conditioners, etc. However they still draw 240 volts and currently the service on B Dock is 208 volts. Brad recapped the project will have new pedestals with meters. The boaters using more power will have to pay more. Thus, making it fair for all members. Val suggested the newsletter include “being kind to the environment” by turning off air conditioners and hot water heaters. Kathy will put in the next Marker 19.

Cliff informed after research of what was needed, he ordered a tester. It is a low voltage meter, 0-50 amp. It works on the principal of “what goes out has to come back”. Cliff reiterated Sherm tests all the outlets in the spring. This tester will be used throughout the season.

A discussion regarding new floats for the red lights coming in to the harbor resulted with Cliff reporting back at the October meeting.

d. Conference Room Rental -Cliff shared information of a rental that took place the previous weekend. The renter brought in arcade games, photo booth, and electrical warmers which caused the breakers to trip. He questioned if the guidelines for the rental should be changed to limit the number or limit the type of use. Brad instructed Kathy to add a clause to the contract listing what is acceptable. He also recommended having a point of contact person during the party.

e. Storm Shelter – Cliff met with the Bayport Fire Department to determine the best place of shelter for members while at the Marina. It was determined the two safest areas are the lower south end of the service building as well as the showers of the bathrooms. Security has been instructed to assist members to these areas for shelter during severe weather. The Gas Dock staff will inform transients of the locations when they arrive. The Fire Dept did mention the boats were probably the safest (unless there was high water) because they are at the lowest point of the Marina.

f. Mallards Use of the Point – David of Mallards has requested he have use of the Point for wedding ceremonies. The Point would only be for the ceremony i.e. all receptions would be held at the restaurant. Eric stated if it helps to make the restaurant successful he was for it. Brad expressed his only concern was regarding the liability. It was the consensus of the Board the energy in the Marina is much different than it was last year and attributes it to the restaurant being open. Another concern expressed was regarding security and parking. Morgan instructed Cliff to draft a document explicitly outlining what is permissible, liability issues, parking, security, and cleanup. The rental fee agreed by Board was $1000.

g. Service Dept – surprisingly staying busy.

h. Marketing – Amy thanked Morgan and Eric for assigning her to be the Chair of the Marketing Committee. She stated she has some ideas and will meet with Kathy and Tavia to come up with a plan. Amy also stated she wants to pull the knowledge and expertise of members of the Board to find opportunities not yet tapped. Michelle shared the reason she and Joel came to Bayport was because of the outstanding fiberglass work by the refinishing tech in the Shop. She felt the marketing of the quality of work our technicians perform would be an area to explore. Morgan informed he and Cliff had talked in length of service opportunities, specifically, how to market maintaining your boat.

Revenue Opportunity – BMA Online Store

Cliff informed he spoke with Ken Garelick and others who feel the Marina is losing out on $150k-$200k/year in lost boat accessory sales. Morgan elaborated setting up an e-commerce store was the route to go as we wouldn’t have to keep an inventory of parts. Cliff stated Mike spends 40% of his day on parts instead of working on the things he should be. Cliff also expressed concern parts may not be getting billed out on orders since we do not have a parts person in charge of the inventory. It was the consensus of the Board to pursue hiring a Parts Technician. Morgan recommended Cliff meet with Ken to understand the dynamics of the wholesalers. Once he has done the research, goals and target dates will be established for hiring the right person and setting up the e-commerce store. Amy stated she would be happy to work with Cliff and whoever needed to build an on-line site. She informed she’s had much success with companies such as Guru.com. Cliff will report back at the next regular Board Meeting, August 14.

Brad shared the Board is looking at changing the roles and responsibilities of Cliff and Kathy. It is the intent to shift some responsibilities to Kathy to allow Cliff the time to oversee and manage the Bayport Marina Revitalization Project.


Morgan informed the Board Patrick Moore continues to challenge the 2/3rds vote language. Morgan shared he has contacted Bill Kranz to get his clarification the 2/3rds refers to votes or to membership. Morgan further stated Patrick has also called Bill Kranz on the language interpretation. He reported over $2,000 has been spent on Bill’s time regarding this issue and attendance at the Annual Meeting. Morgan informed according to the By-Laws, capital improvement decisions can be made by the Board or by majority – no amendment to the By-Laws needs to be made. Amy stated she spoke with Mike Ryan and Ron Rorvick who both stated Marsh made a lot of By-Law changes in 1996. Amy will obtain a copy of the original By-Laws from Mike to compare to the current By-Laws. Once received, the Board will get clarification and set the interpretation for going forward. Michelle stated she has an issue of a member contacting our counsel and billing the membership. Morgan will connect with Bill to see how billing is being handled.

Social Committee

Val reported there is very little left to tend to for the Antique Boat Show. She informed Michelle is overseeing the Antique Boat registrations. Michelle stated there are currently 13 boats registered. If she does not receive more in the next few days, she will send an email blast out. The goal is to have at least 20 boats for the show.

Past Commodore Reception

The Past Commodore Reception is set for Wednesday, August 21 6:30pm. The consensus was to invite all past commodores including those who are no longer owners. Morgan informed this will be a good opportunity to present the BMRP with all the details – costs and financing in place. Morgan will get the letter prepared and Kathy will send out ASAP.

Marina Revitalization Project

Morgan reported although the decision of what type of product to use for the docks was to be finalized at this meeting, it would not be possible given new information received about the IPE product. Cliff gave an overview of his research of the IPE product – the product is not from the rainforest but is plantation grown with distributors in Florida and North Carolina. The product has a 60-70 year life and the cost is $4.59/linear foot delivered. In comparing the total cost of the project using the different products:

Moisture Shield composite $2.3 mil

Improved green-treated lumber $1.96 mil (25 year life)

IPE 1-1/8 x 6” $2.45 mil

IPE 2 x 6”** $2.90 mil

**not an option due to weight

Steve informed the IPE is a great product but is a very hard wood and difficult to work with i.e. sawing and drilling. Cliff noted the IPE is 10% heavier than the green-treated. He has requested samples which will provide testing of cutting and installation. Brad stated the maintenance of IPE is not the same cleaning process as for green-treated – the IPE only requires simple washing every 8-9 years, not power washing. It was the consensus of the Board the IPE was the desired product to use.

Amy presented that although it was good to make a decision on the product to use, the question of how to pay for the project should be of focus. Eric stated he has seen a lot of energy on the docks with all the young people renting in the Marina this year. He wants the Board to be sensitive and not jeopardize the energy by increasing rental fees.

Morgan stated he likes the durability and the look of the IPE. Eric liked the 60-70 projected life but warned the Board to be cautious in how this stat is presented i.e. double the life of green treated. Steve and Eric would like to get a couple samples to cut and drill to test the labor component. Morgan would also like to test the span of the product. He recommended the decision of product be moved to the BMRP Meeting on August 7. It was suggested Cliff find the person in Hudson who recently built his dock with the IPE product to view and get his opinion on the finished product.

New Business

No new business.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Brad and seconded by Michelle. Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Closed Session

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