Board Meeting Minutes – July 30, 2014
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
July 30th, 2014
Board Present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Amy Tolbert
Keith Vinje
Meeting called to order at 6:31pm by Commodore Brad Baune. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
Commodore Baune welcomed Dave Peterka and Keith Vinje to the board and asked them to tell a little bit about themselves.
Retired from 3M last year after 36 years of service there. He has a MBA from St. Thomas and an engineering background. He has experience with nonprofits as he was on the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan. He entered the Marina in 2006, spent a couple years as renter, then purchased A-67.
He moved to Marine on the St. Croix in 1965 and has been boating ever since; additionally, he has been in the banking business for 41 years. In 2000 he bought a slip here even though he has never had a boat here as he wanted to stay in touch with the area. He has a boat at a dock on the St. Croix just up river from the Marina and winter stores the boat here
The returning Board Members and staff introduced themselves to Dave and Keith.
Brad began the meeting by highlighting what he sees for the coming year. Brad’s goal is to divide and conquer with a moto of “One Bayport.” He wants to continue transparency within the Marina so that everyone knows what is going on, capture victories on the way, modernize technology, grow staff and development, complete the A-Dock (and remaining docks) renovation and continue to improve the boating experience along with the brand quality of the Marina.
1. Approval of the April Minutes.
Motion by Morgan to approve the May 21st Meeting Minutes, seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval of Minutes.
2. Annual Meeting Review
Discussed that policies and procedures should be documented for annual meeting so that it can be carried out effectively. Documents left for Kori did not include the procedure of number and sending out the ballots. The By-laws need to be reviewed to determine what articles need to be mailed verses emailed out and if necessary they should be updated. The board agreed that anything that can be done electronically should be done so, as it’s a faster way to communicate and more cost efficient.
Discussed other inefficiencies such as getting nominations sooner in the process so that they the ballots could be produced sooner. We also need to get clarification from our attorney what his interpretation of our voting policy allows for the same person getting multiple votes from one ballot.
Brad suggested that the date for the 2015 Annual meeting was set for June 20th, 2015, unanimous approval
3. June & YTD Financials
June Financials
· Higher than expected expenses due to flood issues.
· Insurance expense may be higher than what we were actually billed, Kori to double check the bills were coded properly in the accounting system.
· Expenses for the Ice Breaker were mostly paid out during June.
· Income is still low since the budget does not reflect the Special Assessment was collected half in February and the second half to be collected in August.
· Because of high water sales on all accounts were lower than expected
· Cliff pointed out that we are ahead of all other marinas in the area and that as soon as high water was removed it was a drastic increase on all accounts.
4. Marina Operations
All floats on B-Dock except the last finger have been refloated as today. After the last finger is complete they will beginning surveying A-Dock for places that need immediate attention and then move onto refloating the necessary spots on C-Dock. At this time there is approximately 100 floats in inventory.
We are now working with Veit, a reference from Eric Pederson, to dispose of the old floats at a lower cost.
Now that the five 10” piles have been added to B-Dock it did not move at all. A-dock did move some due to the high water. The plan is to add five or six on A-Dock to prevent this going forward. Brad asked if we would add piles to the A/B walkway, Cliff to check and see if that will actually help support the docks or if they are better off only on the docks.
Landscaping is complete on B-Dock and irrigation is being worked on. The Wi-Fi is fully functioning, we were able to cut down on Wi-Fi stations because the equipment is that much more powerful. The trees and other foliage had to be cut down because even though our equipment is powerful enough to get through it most devices don’t have the same strength to talk back to the receiver. A modem was also moved half way down the dock so now we have twice as much capacity and a shorter distance for it to go. Keith suggested that the credentials on the Wi-Fi are possibly set too short causing it to time-out sooner than it needs to.
Drive-over curb will be added to access the point and also on D-Dock. The curbs will also be painted prior to the August 9th boat show.
BMA owned B-13, a 50 foot covered slip was sold to Bob Reilly at the beginning of July for $170,000.
Sixty five of the Limited Memberships have been sold. Transient rentals have improved a lot since June now that people can travel with a wake.
Bayport Bank will be here on August 8th doing a “Cash Mob” giving $10 to every person who puts fuel in their boat that day.
The Antique Boat Show is creating a lot of buzz and we expect to have a lot of people here that day.
Morgan is working on a cost benefit analysis and promotional piece highlighting the cost of ownership versus renting.
Mike discussed that we have a repaint job that is expected to start in the September/October time frame. We also have a couple electronics jobs lined up that even as a sublet job we will make nice margins on.
There has been minimal buzz regarding the parts catalogs, but the people who have used it have liked the convenience.
Mike also suggested that we looked into the cost of a flood wall that could be for in front of the well. Of the past 15 floods, five have been in the last five years. Instead of spending time and resources annually maybe would could have more of a permanent solution.
5. BMRP Update
Cliff suggested that we purchase a 12×16 shed for that can be used during the months of the project for cutting/drilling with the proper ventilation instead of trying to do so within the service building. In the other months it would be used for storage. He asked if he could move forward with securing a permit and purchasing the building. Eric motioned, Dave seconded, all approved.
Cliff has gathered all measurements he needs for A-Dock and is starting to work on lining up purchasing to secure good pricing.
Lastly, Cliff brought up that many people have been requesting having RV’s on site. He questioned if we want to consider as a possibility because at this time we do not allow it. Discussion tabled for another meeting.
6. Social Committee Update
Val discussed how both the Painting Class and Ice Cream Social were big hits. Over 25 people attended the painting class and they served 100 bowls of ice cream at the social.
The Antique Boat show is all set with five high-quality vendors, the Sea Scouts selling the food, the same ice cream company who supplied the ice cream for the social will be here with their ice cream truck and Mallards has secured a catering liquor license to supply the beer and wine.
A lot of advertising has been down this year including “postering” the river cities and Lake Minnetonka, a radio advertisement with WDGY and social media.
The headcount for the party is down this year so we have chosen to downsize the tent and the number of tables and chairs.
7. New Business
Val wanted to remind everyone that if anyone sees anyone swimming in the Marina, or fall in for that matter, that it is a safety hazard and should warn them of it. Dave said he had an article that he would pass on that we could use in the Marker 19 that discusses Electric Shock Drowning.
Also a reminder that the noise ordinance is 10pm was also suggested to be discussed in the Marker 19.
Meeting adjourned 9:12.
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