Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom Meeting
March 17, 2021
Member | Present | Remote | Absent |
Tore Detlie (Commodore) | X | ||
Matthew Kasinkas (Vice Commodore) | X | ||
Curt Gray (Treasurer) | X | ||
Meredith Pederson (Secretary) | X | ||
Rachael Harvey | X | ||
Bob Reilly | X | ||
Jason Fabio | X | ||
John Gagich | X | ||
William Given | X |
This BMA Board meeting was conducted via Zoom video conference call pursuant to the Emergency Executive Order 20-04 Providing for Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation issued on March 16, 2020.
Business Meeting
Call to Order/Opening Comments
The BMA board meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by the Commodore, Tore Detlie. It was confirmed that a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
- No COVID infected staff at BMA.
Approval of February 2021 Minutes
Motion from Curt Gray to approve, seconded by Rachael Harvey, unanimous approval.
YTD Financial Review
YTD P&L’s:
Profit and Loss Budget vs Actual – November 2020 through February 2021:
- Total Income: $828,602; +$186,402 vs budget; +$158,111 vs last year
- Total Expense: $580,198; -$217,230 vs budget; +$92,512 vs last year
- Net Income: $384,139; +$350,170 vs budget; +$195,384 vs last year
Balance Sheet as February 28, 2021:
- Total assets: $5,970,793; +439,595 vs last year
- Cash is $772,365
- Total liabilities: $384,883; -$126,303 vs last year
- BMRP loan balance is $346,049
AR Aging Summary as of March 17, 2021:
- Total A/R Balance: $112,953
- Over 30 days A/R balance: $50,535.
Marina Operations – General Update
- Kori requested the BOD for approval of a slip transfer – Ken Garelick selling his B-Dock slip, Ted Glasrud purchasing. Background check was good, and Tore knows Ted. Unanimous approval to the slip transfer. Sale price $4090 per foot.
- All slips are rented, except one sailboat slip that recently became available. Ellsa has already been in contact with someone interested in renting it.
- MarineMax has agreed to rent the crosswalk between A and B Dock and a dozen slips on D-Dock.
- Our service department is rigging Galleon for a new MarineMax customer.
- Our staff is also learning about the new Cruisers line they are carrying. Kori and Mike reviewing what requirements are to be a Volvo Diesel Service Dealer. Both MarineMax and our staff are reviewing differences in the Cruisers service areas, i.e. warranty.
- Launch request process was half successful, half not. Extra testing was done, but still experienced a couple of glitches.
- It was suggested that we should extend the survey to owners on one day, renters the next. This is to avoid internet issues, etc. Kori agreed this would be a good option to resolve some of the issues.
- Staff is currently working on some the last winter work projects.
- Electronics class – Nick Lutfi passed all three classes. We just got a job that utilized these skills – this will be a great benefit to the marina. We are now considered a Wintron Dealer with access to all major brand name electronics.
General Updates
- Utilized the cutoffs from the Service building to side the Fuel Dock and that is now complete.
- Scott Nielsen rebuilt the gates at north end of A and B because they were rusting so badly affecting the electronic components for our new cloud-based system.
- Kori is checking to see if we can add Bluetooth (phone) capability to this system, to allow for people to use their phone as their “key”.
- The BMA website has been completely revamped. eCommerce section has now been added – we will deliver purchased apparel to boats or available for pick up in the office, shipping to be added at a later date.
- Safety Solutions has been hired to do our three-year Travelift and forklift recertifications and safety audit.
- Bob Reilly requested that we seek out possibilities of an ATM at our gas dock. Kori is checking on options available to us.
New Business
Board of Director Candidates: A new owner, Bryan Wilkinson, submitted a nomination form for himself. Tore, Rachael and Matthew will run again for a second term. Anyone can submit a nomination until the end of May.
Annual Meeting in June: BOD discussed doing the Annual Meeting slightly different this year, on a weekday evening verses a Saturday morning. The date of June 16 at 7 PM was chosen. Additionally, we will plan to utilize Zoom for a virtual meeting at this time but will reevaluate prior to the date to see if it could be in person.
Commodore Party
We will not have the party in June due to COVID-19 restrictions but will have to continue to monitor gathering restrictions. If things improve throughout the summer, we may be able to consider something late summer or fall.
Food Trucks at BMA: Kori has reached out to about a dozen food trucks, but only one has responded saying they may consider it. Staff will ask the membership if they have any food truck connections to try and get some where this summer on weekends. Kori has already spoken with the Lions Club and they plan on doing their Food Wagon the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Customer Web Portal
- Tore discussed the Customer Web Portal to indicate services they would like to have estimated or performed – service, canvas or dock. This would be a standalone portal since it will not be integrated in our existing POS system. Tore felt this was a good thing for communication and record keeping.
- We have support with department managers with some updates made by the developer.
- John Gagich suggested it would be nice to have one interface between the existing POS and the Customer Web Portal. He suggested to review with the current POS developer to see if they have made any progress in incorporating this.
- The BOD will try out to test the portal for a month. The Board will touch base at the next Board Meeting to see how everyone thinks it works.
Old Business
Property Committee Update
Bob Reilly explained the surprise meeting with Jay Rasmussen and Erik Forsberg. They indicted MarineMax has no interest in the restaurant property. Jay’s big push was for a bigger service department to accommodate all of the boats they are selling.
We will keep a dialogue open with MarineMax to see if we could come up with some other arrangement that may satisfy both of our needs.
Group 41 continues to not communicate with us (after numerous attempts from us) and left us with stating their price is $1.5 million. The BMA board obviously feels that is much too high and not worth pursuing.
The Property Community feels that connecting with the City of Bayport regarding the state of the building would be the next best move.
Rachael Harvey motioned to adjourn; Bill Given seconded. Meeting adjourned and 8:33 pm.