March 18, 2020

Bayport Marina Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Conference Call

March 18, 2020



Member Present Remote Absent
Russell Sheaffer  (Commodore) x x
Tore Detlie  (Vice Commodore) x x
Curt Gray (Treasurer) x x
Dave Peterka (Treasurer) x x
Matthew Kasinkas  (Secretary) x x
Bob Reilly X X
Ed Manor x x
Rachael Harvey x x
Amy Tolbert x x



This BMA Board meeting was conducted via conference call pursuant to the Emergency Executive Order 20-04 Providing for Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation issued on March 16, 2020.



Call To Order


The BMA board meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by the Commodore.  It was confirmed that a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.


  1. Business Meeting



Approval of Meeting Minutes


A motion by Curt Gray was made to approve the November 18, 2019 BMA Board Meeting Minutes and was seconded by Bob Reilly.  Approval by the BMA Board was unanimous.




  1. Financial Review – Curt Gray, Treasurer



  • The majority of income items are overbudget and the majority of expense items are under budget. The financials as we start 2020 are looking good.






November 2019 to February 2020; Profit and Loss Budget vs Actual


Total Income:

  • Total income is 5.6% favorable to budget being $35,727 favorable


Total Expense:

  • Total expense is 13.6% favorable to budget being $76,498 favorable. Expenses are coming in well below plan


Net Ordinary Income:

  • Net Ordinary Income is $112,225 favorable to plan


Net Income:

  • Bottom line P&L performance is $115,475 favorable to plan


Drivers for the period include payroll being down one service technician and some yard crew being laid off for the winter.  Another drive is the Capital Improvements and Repairs and Maintenance expense items.




November 2019 to February 2020; Balance Sheet as of February 29, 2020


Total Assets:

  • Total assets show a “de minimis” favorable improvement of $8,726 on last year’s assets of $5.5 million


Drivers for assets include the Cash account with $183,197 favorable and Accumulated Depreciation is $125,947 lower.


Total Liabilities:

  • Total liabilities show a favorable reduction of $210,706 from last year


Drivers for liabilities is the BMRP Bank Loan showing a $208,015 reduction in liability.  The BMRP Loan liability is now $482,682.



AR Aging Summary:

  • AR summary shows $140,837 total accounts receivables balance with $16,478 ninety days past due


Drivers for accounts receivables: While the amount past due may appear significant, the amounts due are caused by the spring launch fees being due that are expected to arrive shortly.  Kori and Daniele are working to collect the amounts ninety days past due.





  • Marina Operations


General Update – Kori Derrick-Cisewski, General Manager


The following is a review of the general marina activities.

  • 2020 Work Plan has been developed for 2020 General Manager goals and work tasks
  • A new service technician was hired, Chase Smith, and he will work on getting certifications
  • Refinishing is working on its 2nd largest job for the winter season and after the large jobs are done then the other work items are small jobs
  • Mechanical work on small jobs will start once we can work outside
  • Canvas department does have jobs in queue and need to be done
  • BiT Software – work continues by BiT Software to make improvements in the software that Bayport indicated were challenges along with giving access to customers to log into their accounts. We expect improvements to be released in 2021
  • Launch process is changing to an online process using PDF documents to handle service work and a survey method to handle launch week selection. This process is expected to be more effective and more efficient for marina staff to execute such that the marina staff will be able to accommodate members’ launch week requests
  • Slip rental: marina has four power boat and one sailboat slips to rent
  • Yard Work: we have extension and “hang me outs” work that is being performed. Any dock damage due to ice will be worked on and will be complete in time for the beginning of the season



  1. New Business


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Kori Derrick-Cisewski will take the lead to develop the BMA Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) response plan including all actions the marina should take pursuant to government orders and medical recommendations.  Kori will document the response plan for review and discussion with the Executive Committee, review with the full BMA board and ultimate communication to members, employees, and all other related stakeholders.



Capital Improvements

BMA management will look to the BMA Board to prioritize the capital improvement investments for 2020.  Below is a summary of the Capital Improvement status.

  • The HVAC for the office has been completed
  • Siding for the Service Building is in progress
  • Bathroom remodel will require ADA compliance






Marina Loan Payment Contribution Approval


A motion by Amy Tolbert was made to pay $25,000 towards the principle of the BMRP loan and seconded by Tore Detlie.  Approval by the BMA Board was unanimous.




  1. Old Business


Property Committee – Tore Detlie 


The work chartered at the November Board meeting for the Property Committee will be tabled at this time due to the current situation and will take a “wait and watch” approach.  The Property Committee will inquire in order to understand the interests and intentions of Group 41 regarding the property.



BMA Customer Service Opportunities for Service Department- Tore Detlie 


The following is a review of the BMA service portal:

  • It’s ready to use in a pilot phase with up to 5 pilot participants
  • Meetings have been held with Mike and Kori to refine portal capabilities
  • Intent of the portal is not to overlap Bit Software
  • Intent is not to cause extra work but is designed to eliminate phone calls / or email and allows for a more organized workflow for customer communication




Call To Adjourn


A motion by Russell Sheaffer was made to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Curt Gray.  Approval by the BMA Board was unanimous.



Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm