March 19, 2014

Board Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2014
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
March 19, 2014

Board Present:
Brad Baune
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson

Amy Tolbert
Sandor Csallany

Meeting called to order at 6:29 pm by Commodore Morgan Fudge. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

Morgan started the meeting by suggesting everyone take a look at the docks if they haven’t had a chance yet. Eric asked if anyone had heard any word about flooding, thus far nothing.

1. Approval of the January Minutes.

Motion by Steve to approve the January 22nd Meeting Minutes, seconded by Michelle. Unanimous approval of Minutes.

2. February & YTD Financials

Steve Paquette discussed the financials. On the balance sheet, First Bank of Bayport is now showing as a long term liability as we took our first draw of $177,000. Morgan mentioned that we closed on the loan on February 28th. As for the P&L our profit is further ahead because we recognized majority of the assessment and special assessment in February instead of March, as we budgeted for. Overall, everything else running pretty close to budget.

3. Marina Operations Update

Kori discussed the assessment collection, only 16% of the assessments (regular and special) are outstanding. And as for slip rentals we have 17 open slips, 3 members’ slips and 14 BMA slips. We know that Marine Max is just starting their season so it is good that we have some openings at this point.

Realistically because of how cold it has continued to be we can realistically project that launch will be delayed at least to end of April, if not later. We have more ice than we did at this time last year, we have 28” of ice at the shore line. Realistically the closer temperatures and ice have been better for the dock project. We did start the bubbler the 2nd week of March.

Discussed that we need to sell two slips this summer. There aren’t an abundance of slips for sales at this time, but there also has not been a ton of interest. Cliff brings it up to as many people as he knows may be a possibility. Brad suggested that we have a marketing plan for the order of slips we want to start listing.

Service update – Detlie’s boat is painted but there is still more work to be done on top of the boat. They are a little bit behind just because he keeps adding additional items to it. Mike does need to consider scheduling as there is a small list of items outside of summarization that needs to be complete. However, it would also be more difficult to move the snow to get the boats that need servicing out of their blocking. The weather is buying us time to do stuff that we don’t need to do in the water.

Gas Dock Update – the gas dock is getting a facelift with cleaning, painting, reorganizing and decorating. Going to make it brighter, more open and inviting to visitors. All new apparel will be held until the Ice Breaker and debuted at that time.

In addition, we will start selling a Limited Membership card. We suggested that for $150 a limited member would receive one night transit stay, two pump outs and 5% off of gas and ship store merchandise. We would market this to anyone who is doing a transient stay with us as and everyone who we know would be a gas customer. Jim Mondry suggested that Marine Max offer this to anyone who buys a boat. After discussion the group decided that the card would sell best priced at $99 and no limit to the number of cards we sell.

Cliff noted that compared to the other marinas, everyone sells about the same amount of fuel; however, with this card we could position ourselves to be the best as we also have the best fuel because of the additives we use.

4. BMRP Update

Walk way is done, they are working on hang me outs and edging, and ramps will be finished on Thursday. They are two weeks from completion. We are exactly on track for the project, and had we not had to spend two weeks replacing floats at the beginning we would be complete at this time. Cliff has asked Mike if he could keep the service guys for the next two weeks and that was agreed since as discussed earlier it’s too difficult to get the boats out of the snow. The slip number plaque was discussed and the plan is to create it to be level or recessed since the prototype edges was too sharp.

In addition, about a dozen slips that had really bad edging and that is being replaced. We also installed another cover on A-Dock since the last meeting and a few covers will be replaced before the season.

As for the financial reporting Cliff noted that he had separated sales tax as it’s own line item; however, it is rolled into the cost of items. Steel is over at this time but some of it will be moved into the general account because it will be sold for projects people want done on their slips.

5. Social committee update

Val announced that the Ice Breaker theme will be Kentucky Derby with a reminder to be added to the next Marker 19 so people have plenty of time to look for hats! Morgan requested a Champagne bar, and Val is gathering recipes for different cocktails. Big Bob and the High Rollers will be the band and we got a deal on them. It was suggested that we look into heaters again this year since it’s projected to be a cold spring.

For the Antique Boat Show Michelle is working directly with artist on the poster. Cliff brought up Karen Harris, who has been working on the Make a Wish Statue. Polaris donating a Motorcycle, and she asked if we would be interested in the unveiling being held at the Bayport Antique Boat Show and asking that any donation that day go to Make a Wish. Also looking at options for having music throughout the day and finding a way to make money off the food. Val is also looking into having antique or street cars displayed that day. Additionally, Stillwater’s Log Jam wants to do an antique boat parade which we can use to help promote and market our boat show. Michelle has also added advertising to the antique boat magazines and she is looking into what it takes to be a sanctioned show.

6. New Business

Brad Baune proposed that the path down to the point get paved. He also proposed that we consider the head pier finished between A&B get finished this spring/summer. Cliff said he would look into both possibilities.

Meeting adjourned 8:40.

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