Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
March 20, 2019
Board Present: Absent:
Tore Detlie Dave Peterka
Rachael Harvey
Matthew Kasinkas
Ed Manor
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Russell Sheaffer
Amy Tolbert
Bob Reilly
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Amy Tolbert. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
I. Business Meeting
a. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Russell Sheaffer to approve the corrected January 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Eric Pederson. There was unanimous approval.
b. Financials
Kori stated we are over on income and under on expenses compared to budget –indicating we are doing well.
We are under on slip rent due to having so much come in at the end of last year. There are still three Marina slips open, once they are rented it should fix the lack of slip rental funds.
There is a correlation on expenses – the Marina is up on service parts and accessories which correlates an increase in service income.
Regarding A/R, we currently only have one boater that is not paid up, aside from a few other assessments that have yet to come in. Kori is sticking to the rule that if a boater has not paid their balance in full by March 22, they will not be put on the launch schedule.
II. Marina Operations
Kori began by stating Marina accomplishments since January. Daniele started her position as the Office Manager and has been oriented to the Marina.
Attendance at the Minneapolis Boat Show went well – Saturday and Sunday were the busiest days unlike previous years.
There has been an abundance of snow which has kept the yard crew busy and allowed the Marina to bill the condo association additional to cover roof shoveling and extra snow plowing.
The fuel dock decking modifications are complete.
The mobile pump-out unit has been ordered and will be delivered by the end of April. At this time, eight individuals have signed up for our new Mobile Pump-out Program. Additionally, our plan is to raffle off a Mobile Pump-out Program spot at the Commodore’s party as the grand prize. Donations for this raffle will go towards Let’s Go Fishing and Zephyr Theatre.
One of the capital improvements for this year was to purchase another vehicle for the yard crew, in which we bought a used Kubota.
The plumbing problem in the shop has been resolved. After breaking into three walls we were able to locate a crack in the vent line used for a utility sink and washer/dryer.
Although our fiscal year does not begin in November, Kori has been keeping track of the service and canvas work billed and completed since November 1, which has been a grand total of $279,025.52.
Kori attended Intermediate Marina Management (IMM) training in February that is put on by the Association of Marina Industries (AMI).
- There were quite a few things she learned, including necessary changes needing to be made to our contracts for the 2020 season, such as boaters will need to provide additional insurance information that we currently do not require. There are also additional OSHA requirements, such as Safety Data Sheets (SDS) complying to code, removing items being stored on top of Fire Proof Cabinets, and too much dust in the shop.
- Regarding the marketing portion of the training, one of the biggest takeaways was creating an “of course” attitude… an example being “of course Bayport Marina has mobile pump-out! Of course, they have the best employees!”, etc. Kori believes we are close to achieving an “of course” reaction from everyone who knows about BMA but is urging to push us further in that direction.
Kori brought it to the Board’s attention that she would like to revamp the logo by 2020 – to be discussed later regarding the cost.
Kori has been working with Bob Schroeder on moving to a national account through Cintas for uniforms. She is waiting on pricing before moving forward.
Kori has been communicating with MNDOT on the Hwy 95 project. The Marina was offered two permanent easements on D-Dock road as there are two drainage pipes coming off Hwy 95 that MNDOT may need access to in the future.
There have been continual efforts to complete the asphalt project for in front of the railroad tracks. With the help of Eric Pederson, Kori finally has a contact who may be able to assist with moving forward.
The current priority is flood preparations – ordering sandbags, sand, jersey barriers, etc. The previous Service Manager, Gregg Nelson, provided photos of the flood preparations performed in 2001, which was a nice reference tool to go off.
III. New Business
a. Outside Contractors
BMA currently allows outside contractors to perform work for our members while on Marina grounds. A letter goes out to all vendors in April notifying them of the rules and regulations of performing work at BMA, including providing necessary insurances. A thought is to add that all outside vendors must be approved by the general manager and any outside vendors generating more than $5,000.00 in revenue must pay a $500.00 annual vendor fee, subcontract through the Marina or pay a commission. The intention behind this idea is to help mitigate risk by allowing such work to commence, along with compensating for the time put in by the office staff to manage all necessary segments.
Kori asked the board to think about a decision to vote on by the April meeting.
Motion made by Eric Pederson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Russell Sheaffer; meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.