Board Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2012
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
March 21, 2012
Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Matthew Kasinkas
Michelle Lemanski
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Russell Sheaffer
Jim Mondry
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Russell Sheaffer.
1. Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2012
Inquiry by Russell if the Pumpout Station was on schedule as stated in the February Meeting Minutes. Cliff confirmed it was. Motion by Marcus to approve Minutes. Seconded by Michelle. Unanimous approval.
2. Discussion of 2011 Taxes
Russell gave an overview of Mike Mullen, CPA, presentation prior to the Board Meeting. Mullen’s audit gave BMA a clean opinion, with no exceptions. Kathy will post the entire audit report on the “Member Only” section of the website.
3. Group 41
Russell directed Board to refer to the Commodore message sent via email. Although the case is not completely settled, the Judge narrowed the scope of damages to Group 41. Russell had a conversation with our attorney John Eckman. Eckman stated he had a voicemail conversation with Group 41’s counsel, Rob Stefonowicz. Rob stated he has not heard back from his clients. In his opinion, he feels the case is over.
Notations regarding the case, Group 41 owes BMA $9,800 for the portion of the railroad crossing fees, real estate taxes for the common driveways, and the maintenance of the parking lot. The sign awarded to Group 41 by the Judge is on city property. However, the city does not want the property and BMA has first right of refusal to purchase. The electrical for the sign is on BMA property and is part of BMA’s electrical metering.
Recommendation to give Attorney Eckman two options for negotiating:
1) Forgive half of the $9800 owed and use of sign with any “tasteful” advertising they want
2) Forgive all of the $9800 owed, use of the sign and BMA will pay the electrical for the sign
Motion by Russell to instruct Attorney Eckman negotiate a settlement not to exceed the outstanding balance Group 41 owes to BMA of $9829.05 for cross easement and taxes and to give Group 41 exclusive use of highway sign. The directive should include language the agreement is contingent upon Group 41 paying all future cross easement fees and taxes when due. Failure to make payment will void the agreement. Motion seconded by Matthew. Unanimous approval.
Final note regarding the sign agreement, the licensing agreement will be between the “lessee” of the property when occupying the property. When a new “lessee” enters into a lease agreement with Group 41 “lessor”, a new licensing agreement will be made between BMA and the lessee.
4. General Manager’s Report
Cliff reported on his research of the head pier boat storage and the davits that are secured to A Dock. In reviewing the Board Meeting Minutes of 1999, he found the Board voted to allow davits for up to a 14 ft boat, one set per slip. Cliff’s recommended to preserve the structure of the docks and avoid more hanging of items on the dock, current davits be allowed i.e. “grandfathered in” but no more davits be allowed. Motion by Marcus no further davits will be installed on common north/south docks without Board approval. Matthew seconded. Unanimous approval.
Hang-me-outs for the grills are being galvanized and installed on each of the landings.
Due to the cost and logistics of the proposed pool cover/reel, the plan has been scrapped.
Clubhouse improvements – After having time to re-evaluate, the best route for proceeding is to have a long-term master plan utilizing professional interior design help to make recommendations for a 5-year plan. Creating a plan will give members an opportunity to vote/give input on the changes to be made. Russell will contact Jeff Shrier Designs in Stillwater for both an evaluation and an opinion. In the meantime, members should think about how we will use the clubhouse.
Member discounts on fuel purchases. Cliff was instructed to calculate the true cost of fuel including additive and cost to pump and email the Board with recommendations including what type of discount, if any, should be given. Refer to Minutes Addendum.
Operations –
– BiT conversion continues with good support from the tech at BiT.
– Grounds – signs will be picked up this week and installed next week.
– Launch plans – Cliff stated he didn’t feel boats could be launched earlier than planned due to all the work that still needs to be done i.e. wash docks, outside grounds cleanup, gas dock setup including the new computer system, and pumpout station.
– Covers – Cliff will ask insurance company if covers can be rolled done before April 15. Cliff recommended an increase of $.25/ft be added at each cover rolldown and rollup to capture the rising costs of the third party providing the cover maintenance. Cliff has contracted with Afton Marina to make new covers.
– WiFi – Kathy will contact Comcast to increase WiFi speed to the docks.
5. 2012 Variable Comp
Russell handed out the revised Variable Comp Program proposed for Service department bonuses. Motion by Russell to adopt the 2012 Variable Comp Program. Seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval.
Recommendation by Michelle to have Kathy create an intranet on the website for employees. Information to be included are Employee Handbook, CSI, and Safety Program.
6. Closed Session
During closed session, Board reviewed the need to establish a Safety Program for the Marina. Currently, customers are walking into what should be restricted shop areas. The program should include policies and procedures for a safe work environment for employees. The Safety Program will be discussed further at a future Board Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
As instructed by the Board, Cliff reported to the Board following the meeting with options for fuel discounts for members and renters only and during the normal gas dock hours Monday-Thursday only. The four proposals made were:
1. 10%
2. 10%, but only when paying with cash or check
3. 5%
4. No discount
The above proposals were emailed to Board Members by Kathy on March 26 with a request for an email vote. The results of the Board email vote were: six votes for Proposal #1, one vote for Proposal #2, and two votes for Proposal #3. Majority passed with Proposal #1. The fuel discount program will be reviewed July 1.
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