May 11, 2011

Boart Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2011
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
May 11, 2011

Board present:
Michelle Lemanski
Morgan Fudge
Rachael Harvey
Chris Ridgway
Steve Paquette

Ron Hopfensperger
Marcus Gernes
Russell Sheaffer
Matthew Kasinkas

Motion by Rachael, seconded by Chris to begin meeting. Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm by Commodore Michelle Lemanski.

1. WiFi
Gregg reported half the equipment to install WiFi had been received. The remainder to be delivered by the end of the week. Joe (RivrCom) will work with Sherm to get the poles installed. Gregg contacted ComCast to order service. The WiFi service will be separate from the Marina internet service. It will have 5 static IPs and the cost will be $380.94/mo in-season and $64.95/mo out-of-season. Start date for service will be approximately two weeks (after field testing has been done).

2. April Meeting Minutes
Rachael made motion to approve April 13 and April 21 Minutes as written, seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval.

3. April Financials
Michelle addressed the net loss for April. Gregg stated service is down due to a late launch. Slip rentals are also slow. The Marina currently has 4 powerboat and 5 sailboat slips open.

4. GM Report
Website – in the first 9 days of May, 496 unique visitors to the website. Gregg is having Front Porch put a slideshow on the Photo Gallery

Ice Breaker Party – the ticket sales of boaters along with the $2,000 sponsorship of Marine Max covered the costs of the party i.e. none of the $8,000 budgeted funds were used. Gregg informed the Mexican restaurant in Bayport also does catering. Chris will bring this up at the next Social Committee Meeting.

Marketing – Gregg met with the respresentative of radio station LOVE 105 to do a cooperative advertising with Bayport businesses – BreadArt and LaCocinita. The cost will be $300/mo for 25 slots/week.

Griffith Printing refused Kathy’s request to advertise in the BMA Directory and website. Morgan recommended we contact Synergy Graphics, a printer that does business with the Marina for our printing needs. Kathy will contact him for pricing.

Michelle recommended that we compile a “contractor listing” of all our boaters who operate businesses so the Marina and its members can patronize them. Kathy will work on gathering the information.

Gregg stated he is in touch with a company who will design a display for the Marina to use at the Boat Show, Chamber events, etc. He will discuss with Matthew aka the Marketing Committee.

We Dig Plants – Kay and Ann were waiting for Gregg to return from his medical leave before proceeding with the landscape design. They have ordered plants which will be here on the 20th. They will meet with Gregg on the 21st to discuss the plan as well as to do some planting.

Gregg stated he received a suggestion to extend the patio making a larger patio area that would be suitable for a dance floor for social events. Michelle recommended Gregg contact Custom Rock for stamped concrete ideas and pricing.

Spring Launch – Gregg stated the service area is on schedule. He has also directed Mike to have the docks as well as the Point cleaned within 2 weeks – prior to Memorial Day weekend.

5. Committee Reports
Chris invited members to the Social Committee Meeting to be held May 21. It is his intent to tailor parties/events to what boaters want. Kay Sand has volunteered to help on this committee.

6. Group 41
Bill Kranz will be attending the June 8 Annual Meeting to discuss the lawsuit. Recommendation to table the subject until the July Meeting.

7. Bonus/Pay Structure
Steve recommended further discussion be done to determine what the split is for revenue and customer satisfaction as well as what the measurements will be for the service dept, GM, and office manager. Since Russell was out-of-town, subject tabled until the July Meeting.

8. By-Laws
No changes from Board Members received. Michelle will contact Marcus to confirm verbiage with regards to hiring key staff. Vote to approve the By-Laws and present to members at the Annual Meeting will be conducted via email.

9. June Elections
Ballots are being received. Kathy will send a reminder email to members the end of May.

10. Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held June 8. The agenda for the meeting will include an introduction of Cliff. Rachael will present the Audited Financials from Michael Mullen CPA. The documents will be marked “Confidential Property of Bayport Marina”. Bill Kranz will address the Group 41 lawsuit. Soda, water, coffee and pastries will be served. A “dry run” of the Annual Meeting will be conducted before the actual meeting. Michelle will contact Russell and coordinate a time with Board members involved.

Motion by Rachael, seconded by Morgan to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

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