Board Meeting Minutes – May 15, 2013
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
May 15, 2013
Board present:
Brad Baune
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Sandor Csallany
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Marcus Gernes.
Presentation made by Liz Diedrich, President & CEO of DiedrichRPM, a marketing firm approved by the Board to assist with the presentation of the MRP to Members at the Annual Meeting.** Liz presented her background and experience with assisting organizations with surveys and marketing plans. After discussion of various ideas and methods, it was proposed to conduct a survey to better understand the overall interest and values of our member owners and renters. Kathy will email the list of slip owners to Liz and include data relating to multiple slip owners, covered and uncovered slips, and size of slips. Board members were informed about the survey plan and informed on the details prior to this board meeting.
**An email vote was conducted on May 9, 2013, to approve the hiring of DietrichRPM. Yes to approve by Gernes, Fudge, Baune, Mondry, Fuller, Csallany, and Paquette. No votes by Lemanski and Ridgway. Majority vote approved.
1. Meeting Minutes –March 20, 2013
Motion made by Michelle to approve the April Minutes as written. Seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval.
2. Financials
Steve provided handouts on the April Financial Summary (see attached).
Budget – Steve made a motion to adopt the 2013 Budget as presented. Morgan seconded. Unanimous approval. Kathy was instructed to post Mullen CPA Audit on the Members Only page of the website when available.
3. General Manager’s Report
· Launch – Busy with launch. Most difficult part of the process is the timing of getting boats uncovered and polished before putting in water. They have launched 100 boats and there are approximately 60 more to go in.
· Service – behind in their numbers due to the late season.
· Moved ramp at Gas Dock. Repainted gas house to match docks. There have been a few problems with pumps leaking, but are being repaired.
· New chairs and loungers are here and are being assembled. Marcus recommended once the new furniture is at the pool, take a picture and put on the website.
· The pool will be summerized on Thursday by the pool company. Once that has been completed, Sherm will start heating the water.
4. Social Committee Report
Val and Lorrie are meeting with Apres and Minntahoe on Thursday. It was decided to go with a 60x100ft tent. Cliff found a good price on portable bathrooms. He is also reserving limo golf carts to transport people to the tent. Lorrie found a photographer to take pictures of couples as they arrive. Marcus thanked Val for the many hours she and Lorrie have put in the planning of the party.
5. Mallards Review
City of Bayport approved liquor license application to 2am. Cliff talked to David, Mallards owner, and he stated he does not intend to stay open past midnight. However, he wants to have the permit in place should he have a wedding party who wants to stay past midnight. He has agreed to hire external security to monitor restaurant patrons going to their cars and not down to the docks should this occur. David also stated he will be providing dockside service from the restaurant. He is aware of the 8 slips available to the restaurant on D Dock as well as the tie-alongs (3-5 spaces) on the head pier. Question was raised how to handle an overflow of restaurant boats on D Dock into the Marina’s transient slips. Suggestion was made to rent transients by the hour. Cliff will evaluate and report back.
6. Group 41 Settlement
Marcus reported the Sign Easement has been signed and approved by all parties. The agreement states the Marina will maintain grounds and provide electricity to the sign. Marcus informed he is waiting for Group 41’s attorney to request the $50k settlement.
7. Cost Review of MRP
Although a member has expressed the bracing and strengthening of the cover infrastructure should be done immediately, the decision was made to hold off until winter when the ice has formed. This is much safer for repair with the welder and will not require moving of boats. The consensus of the Board was the owners of the covered slips should be assessed for the cost of the cover repairs. Cliff is calculating the price per pole.
Extensive discussion centered on the constructions options to present to Members:
a) Maintain in failed status – repair as needed
b) Fix and repair when needed as deemed necessary by GM and Board
c) Fix and repair items the board agreed to which were revealed and recommended in JJR’s Assessment
Discussion regarding what financing options to offer Members concluded with two proposals:
a) Pay for project with no debt through raising dues and assessments
b) Extend payment schedule through financing (Proposal #3 of Steve’s spreadsheet)
Marcus will put together proposal to members in his letter.
Motion by Brad to adjourn, seconded by Jim. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.
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