May 16, 2018

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Marina Clubhouse
May 16, 2018

Board Present:                                                  Absent:                
Joel Lemanski                                                    Bob Reilly
Ed Manor                                                            Russell Sheaffer
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Brien Slawik
Albert Sturm
Amy Tolbert

Closed door meeting for Board Members Only 6:30 – 7:30.

Meeting called to order at 7:28 pm by Commodore Brien Slawik.  Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

I. Business Meeting

a. Approval of Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Brien Slawik to approve the April 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Albert Sturm.  There was unanimous approval.

b. February Financials

Dave Peterka stated that overall April Revenue is down due to our delayed start to the season, mainly related to service labor and parts.  Additionally, our expenses are down as well, so compared to budget net income is relatively close.  We are down on payroll significantly and that has to do with less fulltime staff in the office than budgeted.

As for accounts receivable, we do have minimal outstanding payables, other than Group 41 and Steve Watson accounts.

II. Marina Operations

Kori started by saying that since the April board meeting it has been all about customer service.  The focus around the marina has been on launch – 132 boats are in the water as of today.  Service has been primarily dealing with critical repairs, everything else is getting listed and will be addressed as time permits.  Jason, in refinishing, is very busy with gel coat repairs.  As a side note, there are already three customers who have indicated that they are interested in having bottom jobs completed next winter.  Boats that are still on A & B/C road will be moved to D-Dock before the holiday weekend.  The canvas department is busy and booking into September.  Tom is on vacation for the bulk of August due to the state fair.  Kori asked permission to move forward with the hire of a part-time staff member for the canvas department due to work load.  The board directed Kori to move forward but work with our HR consultation to confirm that part-time verses contract was the right direction to go.

We have continued to clean up the fish kill, but it is an ongoing process.  Kori has contacted the DNR to report it and they said it is a statewide problem due to the very long, cold winter.  The waters got depleted of oxygen leading to a large number of fish dying.  The pool will be filled on Monday, summarized on Tuesday and then warming so that it can open Thursday or Friday.  The fuel dock is up and running and we are planning some additional onsite training for the staff, something that we have never done, but will provide them with more resources to be helpful to customers.  Brien and Kori met with Cutting Edge Landscape to discuss tree maintenance and landscape concepts for the marina fingers.  This will be a phased plan and the first priority will be treating our diseased trees and cleaning up dead foliage.  We Dig Plants have all of the flowers planted and irrigation is up and going.

We had our New Member Orientation this past Saturday, with about six couples/families in attendance.  The brat-cookout that followed was a success.  Invitations for the Commodore’s Party went out in the mail and we already have several people signed up.  The draft of the 2018 Directories will be going to the printer this week.  We have also had four confirmed nominations for people running for the Board of Directors, Rachael Harvey, Matthew Kasinkas, Tore Detlie and Patrick Moore.  Kori switched our insurance brokers due to better pricing and customer service.  Unfortunately, that was followed by having to report a theft of a dinghy from our property at the beginning of the month.  Kori suggests that a priority for 2019 will be a surveillance system and possibly gates.  There is other protocol that we are doing in the meantime to prevent/deter theft, such as trailer locks on trailerable boats in for service and signs stating this is private property.

Lastly, Kori proposed the plan for the work boat that has been drafted by Lake Assault Boats.  The boat with motor is slightly over the original amount that was budgeted, but due to other decreased budget items, the suggestion was to move forward with them.  Joel Lemanski suggested we see if a holding tank could be added to the hull to future-proof the boat.

III. Old Business

a. Group 41

Due to the pending lawsuit, there was a Discover Request from the court; therefore, Bill Kranz has been working with Kori to get the information for the discovery questions.  He has also contacted Cliff Lewis, Eric Pederson, Brien Slawik and Val Fuller to assist in providing information.  We will most likely get ordered for mediation, but that has not been set at this point.

Motion made by Eric Pederson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ed Manor; meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm.