Board Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2014
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
May 21, 2014
Board Present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Amy Tolbert
Meeting called to order at 6:28pm by Commodore Morgan Fudge. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
Commodore Fudge recognized that this was the last board meeting with the group as is. He thanked Michelle, Jim and Val for their six and three years of service respectively.
1. Approval of the April Minutes.
Motion by Brad to approve the April 23rd Meeting Minutes, seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval of Minutes.
2. April & YTD Financials
The biggest difference on the year to date financials is still the timing of some sources of revenue. The BMRP special assessment was originally all supposed to be in February according to the budget, but instead the collection is being split in half. Also, service labor still appears to be very low but that is because Detlie’s work order is still open thus the labor has not been recorded as revenue. Overall revenue is still on the low side, but expenses have also been controlled and are lower than budget.
Mike Mullen’s CPA firm filed our tax return and the audit was complete. He has really complimented us on how we have been improving how things are being accounted for and documented. He has offered to be at the annual meeting to express his involvement in the financials and for any specific accounting practice questions.
3. Marina Operations
150 boats in the water, plan to put in another 20 this week and 190 need to go in, most boats left are on D-Dock road. The service backlog is pretty typical of spring launch. Two guys are fulltime on launch leaving one tech to be a floater. The launch equipment is doing well; however, we did replace belts on the travel lift this year. Tore’s paint section is done and now they are just working on the extras that he added.
The insurance company hired a risk management company to perform and audit on our facility. They are suggesting that we may need additional equipment, including a paint booth, if we want to continue painting boats indoors. The demand for painting is huge but it also means that we would be required to invest in a lot of capital if they require the paint booth – long term planning
Still just over a dozen slips to rent out. Some members have had a hard time holding the price of the slips and have priced lower to get the slips rented for the year. B-13 which is a BMA slip was rented by Dave Becker; however, he just sold his boat. Overall there has been a lot of boat sales this year causing movement of slips. Cliff isn’t worried at this time, three years ago we had 27 slips open at this time and ended up renting them all out.
Pool is up and running, grounds maintenance is in full swing, flowers have been put in and irrigation company has been onsite for testing. We are planning on doing the Adopt a Ramp Landscaping again this year and will promote in the Marker 19 for interest. New entrance buoys are here and will be installed at the end of this week. Discussion of having a sign in the channel to direction boaters to radio the gas dock for assistance with parking for the restaurant. Cliff also has been talking with Dave to discuss staffing for assisting incoming boats and parking them.
Cliff proposed seal coating the parking lot, it would be good for three years and buy us additional time before replacement is really needed. The cost is $5,200 quoted by Jet Black. The condos and Mallards would also be responsible for paying for a 1/3 of it. Unanimously agreed to move forward with it.
The land on the corner that the Mallard sign is on has been deeded to us by the city, but not filed yet. Additionally, waiting on Rachael to do paperwork on railroad property purchase proposal.
The joint Pioneer Press article with Mallards has been a primary focus. As it needs to go to printing the first week of June. The gas dock staff has sold five limited membership cards but there has been very little traffic because of weather and no wake restrictions. About 60% of boats have the boat supply catalogs and plan to finish filling by the end of the week with the boats in the water. Utilizing Marker 19 to feature specific items.
4. BMRP Update
Everyone has been very complimentary of the dock. Scott will begin starting on floats after launch. Old floats are costing $3000 a load to be disposed of because of their weight. Still looking for alternatives to dispose of them. Phase two planning of the BMRP project will begin after the annual meeting.
Brad and Morgan suggested that we start thinking about a Slip Marketing Plan for selling additional slips. Would like to work with Bayport Bank to analyses the cost of slip ownership verses slip rental. Want to develop some sort of package and presentation to be able to share with boaters.
5. Social Committee Update
Currently 120 people signed up for the party. All vendors are lined up and just need to execute plan.
The poster artwork is complete for the Antique Boat Show and are waiting for them to come from the printer. Antique cars and swap meet have been confirmed.
6. New Business
Cart path to the point has been tabled for the time being because of environmental impact and resurfacing the parking lot instead. However, Cliff will proceed with putting a drive-over curb so that golf carts or delivery vehicles can easily access the point.
Meeting adjourned 9:20.
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