Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
May 8, 2019
Board Present: Absent:
Tore Detlie
Rachael Harvey
Dave Peterka
Ed Manor
Eric Pederson
Russell Sheaffer
Amy Tolbert
Bob Reilly
Matthew Kasinkas
Meeting called to order at 6:32 PM by Commodore Amy Tolbert. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
I. Business Meeting
a. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Rachael Harvey to approve the April 17, 2019 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Eric Pederson. There was unanimous approval.
II. Financials
Dave Peterka began by going over the P/L statement and budget versus actual from the beginning of the year through April. All items are moving forward like they were the previous month apart from the Marina being caught up on slip rental. In addition, Service-related items such as Labor, Sublet Labor and Parts are considerably higher than what was budgeted due to the extent of unforeseen Winter Work. Our total income is about $77,000 above what was projected.
On the Expense side, items such as Payroll Taxes and Health Insurance are off due to taking expenses and dividing them by twelve months, so once there is an increase in salary expenses in the summertime the numbers will level out.
As Kori explained, Utilities is currently under budget due some of the electrical being credited from the boat that was bubbled over the Winter. Considering the Marina had not bubbled a boat in recent years, there was little resources to go off and accounts for some of the budget difference. Additionally, this is the first year that we have LED lights which is resulting in less electrical consumption.
Capital Improvements are significantly less than what was budgeted, primarily due to budgeting across twelve months. More Capital Improvement expenses will be occurring later in the summer.
The Marina’s net income is ahead by $117,000 for year-to-date.
Regarding A/R, there are two remaining owners who have yet to pay their assessments and there is a large receivable for a boat in the shop that is expected to be paid for by June.
III. Accomplishments/Strategic Planning
A Marina Accomplishments/Strategic Planning activity took place.
IV. Annual Meeting Planning
A Board Recap activity took place in preparation for the Annual Meeting.
V. Marina Operations
There are currently 106 boats in the water and the East Bank Dock was removed from the Marina’s harbor earlier this week. Kori sent an email to the appropriate contact with the Railroad regarding the asphalt situation. She is also waiting on results for the independent appraisal of the easement from MN DOT.
Summerization of the pool is to be completed this coming Tuesday, and the pool will officially be closed the day after Labor Day for resurfacing and concrete work to happen this Fall. The irrigation system was summerized yesterday, and the Mobile Pump-out unit was delivered and tested. In addition, the recycling situation of previous summers will be improved this year after discussing options with the waste company to provide additional pick-ups and containers for rotating out.
The annual Vendor Insurance letter was sent out and new this year there is an annual $25 Admin Fee to register and a Hold Harmless Agreement included for additional protection to BMA.
The total winter work billed out for 2018-2019 was $412,000, which was a major increase compared to the approximate $200,000 billed for the prior year.
VI. New Business
There was no new business to discuss currently.
Motion made by Matthew Kasinkas to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Eric Pederson; meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.