November 14, 2018

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Marina Clubhouse
November 14, 2018

Board Present:                                                  Absent:                

Tore Detlie
Rachael Harvey
Ed Manor
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Bob Reilly
Russell Sheaffer
Amy Tolbert

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Amy Tolbert.  Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

I. Business Meeting

a. Approval of Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Matthew Kasinkas to approve the October 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Russell Sheaffer.  There was unanimous approval.

b. October Financials

Dave Peterka stated that on the income side we are over budget on slip rental income, fuel dock sales, but down on service and sublet labor; therefore, we are $27,000 behind plan.  On the expense side, payroll and payroll taxes are under budget significantly.  Areas that are over include legal fees, professional fees and marina equipment resulting in being under budget on expenses $35,000.  The other item that is over budget in expenses is gas and oil, but in the October Board Meeting Kori noted this was not proportionate to how much we were over on income on gas and oil.  After reviewing she realized this is due the marina utilizing our own fuel in marina equipment, which we keep track of and then bill ourselves at the end of the year instead of each individual time.

Net ordinary income is $8,800 over budget and net income, after other income and expenses, is $77,800 over budget.

Accounts receivable is a bit on the high side due to winterization bills not being due yet.  There are a couple service bills from this summer that Kori is following up on to get payment.  There are only two issues of Members who have not paid their fall assessments and action will be taken to get them collected.

c. Budget

Kori presented the first draft of the 2019 budget, with income and expenses in place.    Net Operating Income is 3.14% over the 2018 budgeted income.  Increased revenue will come from the Canvas Department, Slip Rental and the final increase of assessments.  As a zero based budget, Kori has matched the expenses to the increased revenue.  Major expenses come from additional capital improvements including pool resurfacing, mobile pump-out unit, utility vehicle, plumbing the service to name a few.  Rachael Harvey made a motion to accept the budget as presented, Russell Sheaffer seconded, unanimous approval.  The budget draft will be mailed to Members immediately after the first of the year for approval.

II. Marina Operations

Kori started with some bittersweet news, Zach Prefer put in his 3-week notice with November 30, being his last day.  He is moving onto a medical sales company, which was the field that he had a goal of moving into.  Kori will post the Office Manager Position after the Thanksgiving Holiday.

The winterization of Balozi (the boat being bubbled in the harbor) went extremely well.  Precautions such as cameras and thermometers have been installed to keep an eye on everything.

In the service and canvas departments, three boats on the winter work list have already been completed and the crew will move the fourth boat into the shop next Monday.  Additionally, the Air Exchanger install is complete other than needing to add a hood on the back side of the building.

Other winter work will include a number of hang-me-out extensions on B-Dock, two sets of gutters and a 5’ extension to the slip that was purchased this fall.

Kori and Mike attended the Land’N’Sea buying show for the first time.  We were able to place orders for our most commonly used parts and get them stocked after the 1st of the year but not pay until spring when they will be used.  This increases efficient for the service department, so we are not receiving parts during launch.

Kori attended the Midwest Marina Association meeting last week.  One thing she got from the meeting is that she plans to add the following to the BMA Rules and Regulations: “No Y-Converters will be allowed for boats that have contracts with the Marina. They may be used on the transient dock or until power can be changed for a new boat.”  These Y-Converters can actually create stray current issues within the marina.

In the office Zach has been finishing up writing contracts for returning boaters.  At this time, we have one BMA sailboat slip and three-member own power boat slips unrented.  With our waitlist we anticipate being able to fill these very easily.

Lastly, we moved our credit card processing to a new interface, this lowers our rates and also allows us to add a “Pay Bill” button our website, so customers can process their own payments.  Kori believes this will increase efficiencies in the office.

Fuel Dock Modification

The crew started refloating the fuel dock. In a day and a half, the crew was able to remove all of the original Styrofoam floats and replace it with the tub floats.  This brought the back side of the fuel dock up 10” – back to being completely level.  They will now work on reflooring inside of the fuel dock and the dock modifications on the outside.

Mobile Pump-Out Survey

Kori stated we have received just under 100 responses from the Mobile Pump-Out Survey.  At this time, she has not spent much time analyzing the data, but will do so and present the findings at the December board meeting.

Motion made by Rachael Harvey to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Russell Sheaffer; meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.