Board Meeting Minutes – November 16, 2011
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
November 16, 2011
Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Matthew Kasinkas
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Russell Sheaffer
Motion by Michelle to call the meeting to order, seconded by Val. Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm by Commodore Russell Sheaffer.
1. Meeting Minutes
Motion by Marcus to approve the October 19, 2011, Minutes, seconded by Chris. Unanimous approval.
2. General Manager’s Report
Sign – Cliff presented the Board with the sign that was made for posting at the ramp. Consensus of the Board was that the colors and lettering were satisfactory. Motion by Michelle to order 5 additional signs at a cost of $250 each. Motion seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval. Cliff will order signs with lettering to read “Members and Guests Only” for delivery in late February. Signs will be posted on each roadway and by the pool. Russell requested there be discussion on placement of the signs prior to digging the holes.
Sublease Contracts – The current lease agreement was submitted to Bill Kranz for review of language. Bill’s revised agreement was distributed to Board Members. Motion by Matthew to revise the contract with Bill’s recommendations and change the timeline for default action from 10 days to 7 calendar days. Motion seconded by Marcus. Unanimous approval.
Russell asked Kathy to clarify the current policy for processing credit cards on file. Kathy explained Marianne had a list of 32 boaters who had authorized her to apply all invoices to their credit card on file when the invoices were generated. Kathy was advised to disregard “Marianne’s list”. She will include a new credit card authorization with boater contracts in January and create a new list for automatic processing.
Clubhouse Rental – discussion regarding rates was conducted. Russell directed the Grounds, Buildings and Maintenance Committee work with Cliff to decide if the clubhouse/point should be rented to the general public and what the guidelines should be for member rental. Committee to present their recommendations at the December meeting.
Pump Out Station – Cliff reported he and Ron Haussner, Haussner’s Plumbing, are working on the permit to install the station. Cliff is also working on getting the Environmental Study completed.
Long Range Planning spreadsheet – Cliff stated that due to time constraints, he has not done any more work on the Long Range goals. Russell asked that the current Excel spreadsheet be sent to the Board Members for their input and changes. Board Members were instructed to email their revised copy back to Kathy who will compile all the responses in a master spreadsheet.
Software discussion – Cliff informed he and Kathy have viewed four different software demos and are leaning towards BiT Marine Software. Kathy explained the software seemed to be a better fit with the operations of the Marina versus the Lightspeed/ADP software. The cost of the BiT software is also considerably less – Lightspeed costs are $20k to purchase and $600/mo for support. BiT is $14k and $90/mo for support. Matthew and Marcus will work with Cliff to research the programs further. A recommendation will be brought to the next Board meeting.
Haul Out Summary – Cliff informed the haulout season went great. The crew pulled out and serviced 195 boats and another 100 trailerables. This is a 20% increase over last year. He commended the crew for their efficiency.
Winter Staffing – one maintenance and grounds person was laid-off at the end of haulout. Cliff calculated the booked jobs vs. labor hours and found there is not enough work to keep all the staff on through the winter. As a result, another maintenance person and a service technician will be laid off by the end of November. Cliff will have the remaining crew construct hang-me outs for the grills during down time this winter.
Other – Val offered to bring inexpensive ideas for a “clubhouse refresh” i.e. artwork, slip covers, etc., to the next meeting.
3. Financials
October financials showed an increase in revenue. Morgan recommended the Line of Credit of $20,000 be paid off with funds from the M&I or Feltl cash funds as they are earning a rate lower than the rate paid on the LOC. Morgan will setup an investment plan for the current cash accounts and forward to the Executive Committee for review.
4. Group 41 Update
Russell reported the Summary Judgment was filed on Novembert 4th with Washington County. The hearing is scheduled with Judge Ikka for Friday, December 2, at 10:00 am. Russell and Marcus will attend to represent the Board. It is hopeful the Summary Judgment will be granted and this will end the lawsuit.
5. Committee Reports
Treasurer’s/Investment – Michelle and Cliff have the budget 50% completed. The draft will be presented to Board Members by December 1. Some of the cost savings Cliff is working on are: insurance comparables, inventory management i.e. buying in bulk and putting a parts person in place.
Marketing – Cliff has been working with a graphic designer referred by Matthew to create a new display for the Boat Show and other venues. An estimate of $1,200-$1,300 has been given for the display plus the designer’s hourly rate of $75/hr. Besides the brochure and pens with BMA logo, a discussion of boat show promotions generated ideas of: Free pumpout pass with a two-night stay, St. Croix River Events Calendar for boaters, and to promote the Antique Boat Show to be held at the Marina.
Social – Val is working with Kathy in the planning of the holiday party for employees and their guests that will be held December 7.
Val is also working on completing the calendar of events to have available for the Boat Show.
Building, Equipment & Grounds – Steve and Jim will continue to work with Cliff regarding the Clubhouse improvements.
6. Open Discussion
Due to the busy schedules in December, a brief Board Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, December 7 (prior to the holiday party). Topics to be discussed will be limited to: Budget, Software, and Summary Judgment.
7. Closed Session
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
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