Board Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2013
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
November 20, 2013
Board Present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Amy Tolbert
Meeting called to order at 6:28 pm by Commodore Morgan Fudge. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.
Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Brad to approve the October 23 Meeting Minutes, seconded by Val. Unanimous approval of Minutes.
Steve reviewed handout given at meeting. Key points: Assets up $103k for the year. October income down $7k from Budget, YTD down $62k. However, Oct YTD expenses are $11,925 less than Budget. Question was presented how to record the expenses of the BMRP project i.e. depreciation vs. expense. Cliff will setup a call with Foley and Mullen to determine which is the best method. The Executive Committee will meet to discuss the labor recording.
BMRP Committee
Cliff provided an update on the progress of the project. As soon as the boats were out, the demo began. Approximately 50,000-60,000 screws were removed. Clean off of the main walkway was done followed by the fingers. Repairs to the damaged steel under the decking were completed. Service techs along with one employee from a temp agency and Scott Nielsen, a contract employee have been hired to work on dock demo. Scott who is a fabricator, welder, and construction guru did the entire repair on dock structures.
Ramps for B1 & B2 were taken off and rebuilt adding support of 16” on center. All boards are off and all screws are out.
Boards were banded in 25 piece bundles and are being sold on Craigslist.
Plumbing was cut in pieces and removed off the dock.
5 piles were installed on B Dock and are approximately 18 feet in the ground.
It was discovered after the boards were removed, more than expected number of floats were bad. There are approximately 105 Ace floats installed. The remaining floats are Meeco floats that were installed back in 1991. There are approximately 700 floats on B Dock. One semi-trailer load has been received with 200 of those already installed. Another load is expected to arrive tomorrow to finish B Dock. A map of all new floats is being created for future reference.
Electrical is being removed. All the tall pedestals have been sold as well as some of the small ones. Kathy was instructed to classify each of the reclaim items i.e. boards, pedestals, and wire so it is easy to define on the P&L.
Amy presented Cliff the question – are we on time? Cliff responded we are about 1 week behind because of the float installation. He reported the IPE to do the fingers is already here and a double-head drill press has been purchased. As soon as ice is formed, the IPE will be installed on the fingers.
All the wheels, cleats, and dock boxes have been removed.
The Dock Committee met and made the decision all electrical stations should be elevated to the 692 ft level. Based on history, there have been 2 floods since 1965 higher than this elevation. Concrete support structures will be poured later this week for the BMA boxes as well as Xcel’s boxes. A stone wall for landscaping around the stations has been started.
It is anticipated the old electrical lines will be pulled on Friday. Morgan instructed Cliff to inform Security to monitor the area more closely.
2014 Pricing Proposal
Motion made by Amy to accept the proposed transient and package pricing as listed for 2014. Seconded by Steve. Review of pricing for next year will be conducted to evaluate if pricing by the foot is more beneficial.
Summer storage – Cliff expressed his concern over becoming a “cheap storage yard”. He further stated we need our parking spaces. Amy stated this could be a revenue center to consider during the BMRP period.
2014 Budget
A review of the Budget created revealed the Special Assessment for the BMRP had been omitted. Also, it was recommended the Misc Income category be broke out for the various components. Labor also needs to be reallocated for BMRP. Morgan recommended a conference call be made with the accountant and the Executive Committee to discuss how the accounting for the project should be done i.e. should there be a separate Budget for the project? Once the details are ironed out, the final Budget will be emailed to Board Members for approval at the December Meeting. Upon approval, the Budget will be sent to the entire BMA Membership in early January for approval.
Amy requested the name of the expense accounts for utilities be changed from NSP to Xcel.
HR Update
Amy presented a handout on the process and plan BMA should adopt for HR policy. She stated Staff and Board Job Descriptions will be finalized this month and a Performance Management Cycle along with Guiding Principles will be implemented in 2014.
New Business
Sandor presented a memo to the Board with “Ideas, Observations, and Recommendations”. Because of the time constraint and Sandor’s absence, the items on the memo will be addressed at the December Board Meeting. Amy stated many of the items on the memo are easy to remedy. For instance, the Registry could be created if it was clearly communicated to the members it would be an internal resource only i.e. not distributed to entire membership. Recommendation was made to have Sandor prepare his list of reasons for adding “Yacht Club” to the BMA name i.e. what are the benefits? Morgan will contact Sandor after the meeting to discuss.
Cliff inquired if there were any objections to Marine Max renewing their lease. No objections made. Consensus was having Marine Max onsite is a benefit to the Marina.
Closed Session
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
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