Board Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2012
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
October 17, 2012
Board present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Michelle Lemanski
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Marcus Gernes.
1. Meeting Minutes –September 19, 2012
Motion by Chris to approve Minutes as written. Seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval.
2. Financials
Marcus requested Steve take 4-5 minutes at each Board Meeting to discuss the highlights of the financials giving the entire Board a better understanding of the reports.
3. General Manager’s Report
· Haulout is going well. Weather is cooperating helping Mike and crew keep on schedule. Currently 130 boats out. Mike has noted more street traffic this year than last. Although there hasn’t been a tracking program implemented, the new business seems to be coming from the mailer sent out as well as advertising in local newspapers and the Scuttlebutt Magazine. Kathy has been updating the website with the progress. It was recommended Kathy post on the Members Only page the stats of “webpage hits”. A recommendation was made to advertise different service work jobs on the website as well. Cliff will work with Mike to prepare list for Kathy to post.
· Winter work – Jason wrote approximately 65 estimates for fiberglass and paint jobs. Mike is following up with customers to secure commitments.
· Winter projects – Cliff explained the top priority for dock maintenance is to fix the supports for the covers. The complete assessment by JJR should be available by the end of October or the first part of November. Bill’s initial observation is the cover structures are hazardous. However, he also made mention of docks, electric and water pedestals need replacement. Brad instructed Cliff to email Bill’s assessment to all Board Members when received. Once received and reviewed, a conference call to discuss would be conducted.
Cliff presented the question if staff should be kept on the payroll over the winter months begin repair/replacement projects. Marcus responded he didn’t foresee having a plan before December and instructed Cliff to follow normal procedure for layoffs. When a plan is in place, employees can be called back to perform work.
· Cliff gave presentation on Moisture Shield, a company that manufactures a composite decking material. Samples of the product were distributed to Board Members. Cliff informed the company has not experienced any product failure in 20 years, nor have there been any fading issues. Brad’s concerns regarding the product were: 1) the material retaining heat more than wood and 2) more warping opposed to wood. Cliff stated the statistics provided by the company state the darkest color of the product is generally 7 degrees warmer than wood. He further stated that due to the composition of materials, there is actually less warping than wood. The question was asked if we can install the product ourselves. Cliff stated we could.
Cliff also presented his findings on a trip to Gutenberg Iowa where he viewed a dock built in 2010 with the Moisture Shield composite material. Glen from Afton Marine travelled with as they are researching decking products. Marcus recommended tabling further discussion until Bill’s assessment is received.
4. Committee Updates
After discussion by Board Members, the date of June 1 was set for the 2013 Commodore Ice Breaker. Val recommended since next year will be the 25th Anniversary, she would like to see the Ice Breaker be a semi-formal event. She suggested a party on a cruise boat. Chris stated he preferred the party stay on Marina property. After some discussion, the decision was to hold the event at the Point and rent the necessary equipment to accommodate the formal attire of the guests i.e. flooring over the ground for heeled shoes. Marcus stated he will wear a Tux for the event.
Recommendation was made to Kathy to order apparel marking the 25th Anniversary.
Val stated the committee already confirmed the Antique Boat Show would be held August 10, 2013.
5. Group 41
Conference Hearing was non-eventful. Judge chastised all parties because there had not been a resolution. He ordered another round of mediation and it is anticipated this will happen in December/January. If no success with mediation, there will be a court hearing scheduled in January/February. Marcus advised the top side of what the Marina would allow for damages would be $20k less the amount they owe the Marina for past real estate taxes and railroad easement fees. He further stated our attorneys have advised to wait approaching the owners about purchasing the property until after mediation.
6. Launch Ramp Policy
Because Michelle was not present at the meeting, the decision was made to table discussion until the November meeting. Marcus instructed Cliff to get an estimate on what a key card mechanism and camera would cost to install and operate at the gate.
Kathy was instructed to email a message to all members requesting the Registration and Hull numbers of all secondary watercrafts associated with primary vessels and are stored on the property. Once information is received a spreadsheet will be created for Mike and the Service department to use.
7. Other
Slip Ownership
Members discussed the number of slips one owner should own to avoid control of the Association. Currently there are 121 slips owned by 108 owners. There are three owners who own more than 3 slips. After further discussion, the decision was made to incorporate language specifying 5% maximum share ownership is allowable. Marcus will contact Bill Kranz to develop the correct language for revising the By-Laws. Marcus instructed Board Members to email any concerns on language by Friday, October 19.
Brad approached Cliff regarding his concerns over covers being rolled up wet. Cliff stated he talked with Glenn at Afton and Taylor Luke, the person contracted for the rollup. Both stated even when covers are rolled up dry, they are wet when unrolled in the spring. Cliff was instructed to have covers inspected as they are unrolled in the spring to make sure there is no mold or staining.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Chris, seconded by Brad. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.
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