Board Meeting Minutes – October 19, 2011
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
October 19, 2011
Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Chris Ridgway
Russell Sheaffer
Matthew Kasinkas
Steve Paquette
Motion by Marcus to call the meeting to order, seconded by Michelle. Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm by Commodore Russell Sheaffer.
1. Meeting Minutes
Motion by Morgan to approve the September 14, 2011, Minutes, seconded by Chris. Unanimous approval.
2. General Manager’s Report
Brochure – review and discussion of the BMA Brochure draft. Kathy will email the file to Marcus to have his Production Dept review, edit and make changes. The question was raised regarding Quimby’s Rating. Cliff explained this was a rating developed in Europe and no longer exists in the states. Suggestions to brochure included: place the BMA website address on the front of the brochure, have a watermark picture on the inside of the brochure, add “deep water marina” to description, and change the service department paragraph to bulleted text.
Sign – consensus to have the sign colors be blue and white instead of grey and white. Suggested to have one sign made for placement at the ramp. Will have sign available at next Board Meeting for review. Will order more after Board approval.
Tax filing – Michael Mullen’s office completed tax returns that were signed by Michelle and Russell and mailed. Mullen and his staff came to the office and met with Kathy regarding a quarterly review of the financials. Mullen has agreed to do quarterly reports gratis.
Truck – Cliff reported the truck has been tuned and the plow has been fixed. He is hopeful there will be no breakdowns or additional repairs through the winter.
Minneapolis Boat Show in January – Cliff would like he and Kathy to staff the entire boat show because of their expertise in selling the Marina. He would not object to any Board Member who wanted to work the booth, but if interested, let him know so he can order the right size apparel to be worn at the show. Suggestion was made to have a new display made. Cliff will contact Chandler Exhibits and another company for proposals. He will also engage Matthew, Marketing Chairman, for assistance. Russell requested a mockup be available at the next meeting.
Antique Boat Show to be held at Bayport Marina August 10, 11, 12. More details to be presented at a later date.
Sublease Contracts – Cliff would like all slip owners who sublet their slip to have the contracts drafted and processed through the Marina office. He stated the reason for this is to protect the Marina and the owners. He further stated it is essential for the office to have all the renter’s information i.e. contact info, credit card, and proof of insurance on file. Cliff recommended there be a fee for the administration of contracts i.e. $100-$250. Discussion continued regarding what services would be included in this fee and how it would be assessed. Val suggested the contract include verbiage that states the slip owner is responsible for their renter. Russell advised Kathy to email all the Board Members the BMA Lease Agreement as well as the sublet contract template for review. A reply with comments should be made to her within one week (October 27). Once received, the contracts will be given to Bill Kranz for review and updating. Cliff will contact Bill to facilitate.
Line of Credit – a draw of $20,000 was made last week to make payroll. It is anticipated the monies in A/R will cover future expenses and allow for payback of the draw.
Software – The sales rep for Lightspeed/ADP came onsite and gave a demo for Cliff and Kathy. This software is being reviewed to replace the current service software, WatchCaptain, and our accounting software, Quickbooks. Marcus and Val volunteered to be a part of the implementation team. It was recommended to have Matthew included due to his expertise in the IT field. Cliff will send the link to the demo for Lightspeed to the Board for their review. He will also arrange for the Lightspeed sales rep to be at the November meeting to give a presentation.
3. Financials
Revised Year-To-Date Financials were distributed. Concern was addressed regarding the loss shown by Service. Cliff explained the bottom line does not depict a true picture of the service operations because of the expenses included i.e. the salaries of nonrevenue-generating employees – lift operator, grounds, and maintenance crew, and other marina-related expenses. Consensus of Board was there may need to be an increase in assessments to cover operating expenses. The topic was tabled until next meeting.
4. Group 41 Update
Russell reported there was no progress made during mediation with Group 41. Ekman conducted Depositions on Gregg, Marsh, Frank Pilney, and Brett McDonald. Ekman feels they went well. He stated no further depositions need to be done as he is confident BMA has a good chance to resolve the lawsuit with Summary Judgment. Summary Judgment briefs are being drafted and will be filed with the court by the November 2 deadline. Board members may review upon request. The court hearing is scheduled for December 2.
5. Long Range Planning
Cliff created a worksheet to use as a tool for future capital improvements. Suggestion to expand the worksheet to include columns for: current value, life expectancy, inflationary estimate (5 year), and timeline. Suggestion to prioritize projects i.e. patio enlargement. Consensus was to refrain from any capital improvements until the lawsuit with Group 41 has been resolved. Kathy will email Cliff’s worksheet to all Board Members for a mockup.
6. Open Discussion
Morgan asked for an update on the new Pumpout Station. Cliff will check with Gregg regarding status. Board stressed to keep on top of project as not to lose the grant monies for the new station. Cliff will find out specifics of how much cash is needed upfront and grant money reimbursement. Findings will be reported at next Board Meeting.
Cliff presented his suggestion to replace the edging on the docks. It was of his opinion that as a premier marina, we should not be renting slips with substandard edging. He recommended the project could be done over the winter. Cliff will investigate the cost of upgrading.
7. Committee Reports
Treasurer’s/Investment – Reiterated the need for an increase in assessments. Cliff and Michelle have met on the Budget and will meet again on November 10. They will compile a preliminary Budget for the next Board Meeting.
Marketing – no report in Matthew’s absence.
Social Committee – Val conducted a survey to members regarding the 2011 Social Events. Survey results were distributed. Kathy, Val and the Social Committee met and set the dates for 2012. Kathy was instructed to inform boaters of the survey results in her weekly email. Val is also working on a Bayport Marina Events Calendar similar to the River Events Planner. She will present a mockup at the next meeting.
Grounds – Jim suggested having each dock come up with their own design for the landings. Suggestion was made to secure the grills where the planters are rather than at the top of the landings. Cliff will work on a design for placement of the grills.
8. Closed Session
Motion by Michelle to adjourn, seconded by Val. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
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