Board Meeting Minutes – September 14, 2011
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
September 14, 2011
Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Matthew Kasinkas
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Russell Sheaffer
Marcus Gernes
Motion by Matthew to call the meeting to order, seconded by Michelle, Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm by Commodore Russell Sheaffer.
1. Meeting Minutes
Motion by Matthew to approve the August 10, 2011 Minutes, seconded by Morgan. Unanimous approval.
2. General Manager’s Report
Cliff reported Mike, Kathy and himself attended a customer service workshop presented by Fred Pryor Seminars on Wednesday, August 17. The seminar wasn’t what he had hoped for mainly due to the presenter, but it did refresh on customer service tools. Suggestion was made to have a role play with Board Members. Russell directed Cliff to pick 2 or 3 things learned and circle back to Mike for implementation of concepts.
The Marina has not been in compliance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. One of the requirements was to have a certified tank operator. Cliff successfully completed the on-line coursework and is now a certified A & B Tank Operator. Other requirements are in process and will be in place by the November due date.
Cars for Courage Boat Drive was a success. Five boats were donated the day of the drive – September 10, and 20 boats were donated prior to the drive. WCCO broadcasted live from BMA and mentioned the Marina several times.
Cliff had lunch with the Bayport Chief of Police. He discussed our trespassing issues. The Chief recommended getting signs in place and also offered the Bayport Police for any assistance needed.
Cliff presented the Board with samples of sign materials and designs. Consensus of the Board Members was to have the signs read “Private Property, Members and Guests Only”. Signs will be posted at the pool, the two Points, launch ramp, and pier. Suggestion to keep the colors the same as the current Marina signs and to make the signs esthetically pleasing and functionally effective.
Another sample of dockage was installed on D Dock. Gregg measured and calculated the total square footage of all dock areas in the marina. There is a total of 79,000 sq ft. The price of the synthetic dock is approximately $5.82/ft. Estimated cost to redo all the docks with this material is $459,780 plus installation. This also does not include the electrical and any other upgrades necessary. Cliff estimates the total project could be upwards of $2 million. Cliff stated if members wanted to see a finished product next year, Washburn Marina in Bayfield is installing an entire dock.
Russell recommended compiling a “Wish List” of long range capital improvements by the next Board Meeting. He recommended establishing a “Permanent Committee” to take over the Dock Replacement Project with Board guidance. Russell further stated the project requires a long-term commitment that extends past the term of a seat on the Board. It also requires educating members of the magnitude of the problem as well as the magnitude of the solution. Several ideas were presented to cover the costs of the dock replacement: 1) A tiered assessment as the docks are being built; 2) A one-third split of payments between the Marina, the members, and a bank note; 3) a special assessment for all slip owners; and 4) assess owners who own slips on the dock being built. Chris, Matthew and Steve volunteered to be a part of the “Permanent Committee”.
Cliff stated he has been searching for a used work truck on CrankyApe, Crash Toys, and through Jim Long and other dealers. He has not been able to find a used ¾ ton. He further stated a new truck will cost $37k. Cliff has also been checking financing for a truck. Russell offered to get a list from Randy Lee of used trucks. Because the current work truck is operational, the decision was made to wait on purchasing until after the Group 41 lawsuit is settled. Russell advised Cliff to continue monitoring the performance of current truck parallel with looking for a new truck in case “the deal of a lifetime” comes along.
Morgan asked about the new forklift purchased. Cliff explained the forklift is a 1999 model that was moved here from the vineyards of California. The cost was $20k plus $700 for new forks. It has a 30 ft lift. Sherm has been moving cradles and it works great!
Kathy was directed to contact Michael Mullen CPA to have the forklift included in the depreciation figure. Kathy informed she has been trying to receive a response on the depreciation calculation for the WiFi since June without success. She also inquired if Michelle had received the 2010 Tax Return from Mullen’s office. She had not. Russell directed Cliff to contact Mullen’s office to confirm taxes had been filed.
Russell commented on the Haul Out/Launch Lottery process. Cliff agreed with the recommendation to hold on a Saturday morning. Cliff will work on making the procedure more efficient.
Cliff commented on Marine Max commissions- only received $13,700 for entire year. He informed Marine Max has only sold 2 new boats and 12 used boats.
3. Financials
Comments summarized that expenses are up and revenue is down. Year-to-date numbers reflect a late season start as well as current economic conditions.
Suggestion made to get a buzzer for the gas dock or some type of device to notify staff when a boater is at the gas dock for service.
Cliff is checking with a couple different credit card processing companies to compare fees to our current vendor.
Suggestion to have a footnote on the 2011 Financials indicating the payout of the employees 2010 401k company match was made in 2011. Kathy will check with Mullen’s office to confirm how this should be recorded.
Cliff continues to work on the problems with the service software not transferring data to Quickbooks. He also did a random sampling of work orders and found the ratio of parts and labor is a 50/50 split.
Russell instructed the Board Members to review the Financials and circle around for the October meeting.
4. Group 41 Update
Russell reported to members Group 41 cancelled within 24 hours of the mediation set last month. Yesterday (Tuesday, Sept 13) at 4:00, BMA was notified the mediation had been rescheduled for Thursday (Sept 15) at 9:30 a.m. Group 41 and their attorney will meet at the restaurant and BMA Board Members and attorneys Kranz and Ekman will meet in the Marina Clubhouse. A mediator will move to the locations of both parties. Board Members available to meet include Russell, Chris, Val, and Jim. Other members will be available via phone should a decision need to be made. Cliff has compiled a list of the expenses BMA has paid on behalf of Group 41 i.e. taxes, lift station maintenance, etc. totaling $13k.
5. Committee Reports
· Treasurer’s/Investment – already covered financials. Nothing more to cover
· Marketing – per Matthew nothing to report. Matthew and Val working with Kathy on brochure. Chris would like to add the full-service canvas shop to the brochure. Cliff checking on the Quimby rating.
· Social Committee – Val encountered a problem with E-vite, so she will use her personal email for future notifications. Headcount for the Back to the 50s Party is at 80. There will be approximately 30 cars from the Minnesota Street Rod Association coming to the party. Val acquired donations of gift certificates and other items as a thank you to the street rod owners for coming. Val recommended all staff and Board Members wear nametags. She will also have tags available for guests to write their name and slip number on. The staff and board member retirement dinner for Gregg is Friday night and his Open House will precede the fall party.
6. Open Discussion
Security – Cliff met with Dan Aldridge regarding his company’s service. Decision was made to change the times a patrol person is at the Marina and to have foot patrol on irregular times. Consensus was to tighten up security for next year.
Holiday Party – Russell suggested having an informal holiday party with staff, their significant others and board members. Date was set for Wednesday, Dec 7 at 6:30 pm. Board members will cookout and it will be a time for staff to meet and greet. Kathy will send out invites.
Board Meeting for December set for Wednesday, December 14 at 6:30 p.m.
7. Closed Session
Motion by Russell to adjourn, seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.
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