Board Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2012
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
September 19, 2012
Board present:
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Marcus Gernes
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Chris Ridgway
Brad Baune
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Commodore Marcus Gernes.
Marcus started the meeting with a request to Board Members when he sends correspondence Board Members respond with their feedback to the topics addressed. He stated input from all Board Members is necessary for the betterment of the Marina.
1. Meeting Minutes –August 15, 2012
Motion by Morgan to approve Minutes as written. Seconded by Steve. Unanimous approval.
A couple notations regarding the Minutes: Marcus requested Kathy send an email to all Board Members with the time of the October 5 Scheduling Hearing at Washington County Courthouse with Group 41. Also, SmithGroup agreed to the points BMA requested be conducted in the Marina Assessment i.e. Winter perspective
2. Financials
Cliff explained the Work Comp insurance went up $5k for 2012. This was due to the audit conducted for 2011 payroll i.e. two General Managers salaries paid. Also Mike was reclassified. Payroll was higher in August due to 3 payrolls in the month.
It was noted the BMA Social Events was higher than what was budgeted. Marcus commended Val and Lorrie on the outstanding job they have been doing. Parties have never been attended as well as they have been in 2012. He further stated although we are over budget, it is money well spent – we get a lot of bang for the buck. Marcus recommended having a Social Committee meeting during the 2013 Budgeting process to evaluate what needs to be allocated in the future.
3. GM Report
Cliff reported the Service and Grounds crew are busy getting ready for haulout.
The irrigation system is still not repaired. Due to several growing tree roots, some of the lines have been damaged. Sherm and Northway Irrigation are working on testing and repairing all areas.
Mike is doing bids on winter work.
A new Service truck was purchased and a new plow was installed on it. The old service truck with plow was sold for $8500. The question was asked why the old plow was not used on the new truck. Cliff informed it was more efficient to purchase rather than refit the old plow to the new truck.
Variable Comp – Cliff distributed a revised spreadsheet of the VC Program. Columns were added for Attitude, Punctuality, CSI, and Performance. There was concern by the Board regarding the subjectivity of scoring. Cliff was advised clear documentation of how scores are derived is necessary to use these parameters. It was recommended to change the term “Attitude” to “Participation” or “Motivation”. Jim suggested implementing an incentive for new ideas and provide an extra reward for “thinking outside the box.”
Discussion regarding whether to do a 6-month payout should be done. Morgan was in favor of the mid-year as it influences improvement for the remainder of the year. Board Members were in agreement the 6 month bonus was beneficial as it gives a snapshot of how staff are doing. It was recommended the Service staff know exactly how they are being evaluated/judged. Due to the fact it was already mid-September, the mid-year payout should start in 2013. Cliff was instructed to provide a copy of the grid to each employee at Performance Reviews in January.
4. Committee Updates
Social Committee – everything is set for the end-of-season party. Reservations for party are at 80. Recommendation to have a summer party next season at the Point was made.
No other Committee reports.
5. SmithGroup JJR Update
Jim commented the sample report of SmithGroup’s assessment of another marina was very thorough and effective. Cliff reported he received the updated contract from SmithGroup and will sign and send back on Thursday. SmithGroup has scheduled to be at Bayport Marina on October 1 or 2 to start assessment. They anticipate it will take their crew two days to complete the assessment. After the assessment is conducted, it will be approximately 4 weeks for the detailed report. It is the goal to receive the report early November and have the BMA Grounds and Service crew perform some of the work over the winter rather than have layoffs.
6. BMA Property Rental Fee and Structure
Marcus expressed his dissatisfaction with the current fee structure for use of the Marina Clubhouse, Patio and Point. He informed the $50 rental rate for each did not cover the cost of Kathy’s time nor did it cover the wear-and-tear on the facility. After considerable discussion of rates and who should be allowed to rent the facility, an agreement in rate structure was devised. Motion by Morgan to set the rental fees to: Clubhouse $100, Patio $50, Point $300 for slipowners. The fee for slip renters and corporate citizens (ex. Andersen Windows), and non-profits will be a fee double the slip owner rate: Clubhouse $200, Patio $100 and Point $600. Individuals who qualify to rent the facility include slip owners and slip renters for the member’s immediate family only i.e. spouse, parents, children and step-children. Renting member must be present throughout the entire event. All parties renting the facility will have a credit card on file for any and all cleanup charges and damages. Motion seconded by Val. Unanimous approval. Motion passed.
7. Slip Rental Fees – 2013
SWC Fees
Marcus recapped the fee structure for secondary watercraft storage at the Marina. In 2011, the winter storage fee of a secondary watercraft 14 ft or under was $200. In 2012 it will be $300. The 2012 fee for a SWC slip rental was $300 and this included parking a trailer on D Dock. Consensus of the Board was to make a package deal for members who wish to keep their SWC at the marina for the entire year. Fee for both summer and winter for a SWC (14 ft or under) will be $450 in 2013.
Kathy was instructed to post the 2013 clubhouse rates and SWC rates on the website.
Cover rolldown and rollup fees
The fee for cover rolldown and rollup for the 2010 season was $5.00 ($2.85 spring and $2.15 fall). The fee for 2011 season was $6.50 ($3.25 each way). The fee in 2012 will be $8.50 ($3.50 spring and $5.00 fall). In 2013 the fee will be based on actual cost which will be $10.00 for the season ($5.00 each way).
Marcus will send a letter to members within in the next 30 days explaining the fee structures and the reason for the increase in cover maintenance.
Slip Rental Fees
Cliff informed the Board he had researched the slip rental rates of area marinas and found our rates are very close. He stated Sunnyside raised their rates for 2013 to $180/ft and increased the membership fee to $300. The rate of St. Croix Marina in Hudson remains at $170/ft. Marcus recommended increasing the rental rates and placing the revenue from the increase into a Dock Revitalization Fund. Discussion regarding increasing rates resulted in a consensus to increase the rates by $10/slip ft. The 2013 rates will be $190/slip ft for uncovered and $200/slip ft for covered. A 3% discount will continue to be offered to members who pay in advance for the full rental via check or cash.
Kathy made a request to allow billing of cover rolldown and rollup be included in the spring and fall assessment billings. Two cycles of billing and mailing of invoices could be eliminated with this change. The Board concluded this would be acceptable and Marcus stated he would inform members of this in his communication.
8. Other New Business
Marcus informed the Board of two items presented by Board Member Csallany. Sandor would like the Board to address changing the By-Laws to include a limit on the number of slips one individual member can own. Due to time constraints, this topic was tabled until the next Board Meeting.
Sandor also requested the By-Laws be posted on the website under the Members Only section. Marcus contacted Attorney Kranz regarding this request. Kranz was not in favor of posting this information. Marcus stated if any member was interested in a copy of the By-Laws, they could contact the Marina office to obtain a copy.
Michelle addressed the Board regarding clarification of the Ramp and the Rules, specifically who can use. Marcus recommended addressing this issue at the next meeting.
Member Marty Wirtz addressed the Board and asked if they reconsider the fee for use of the Clubhouse by non-profits. He stated the St. Paul Power Squadron uses the facility for educational and training purposes 3 or 4 times/year. Since their budget is only $2,000/year, a rental fee of $200 would not be feasible. Motion by Morgan to amend his previous motion allowing non-profits to use the Clubhouse for the sole purpose of education and training at no charge. Use of the facility is limited to no more than once a month at no charge. Seconded by Val. Unanimous approval.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Chris, seconded by Michelle. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.
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