Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
September 19, 2018
Board Present: Absent:
Tore Detlie Russell Sheaffer
Rachael Harvey
Matthew Kasinkas
Ed Manor
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Bob Reilly
Amy Tolbert
Meeting called to order at 6:28 pm by Commodore Amy Tolbert. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items. Opening comments from Amy were asking that we stay on track for the evening and there are some items that require voting tonight so that Kori can move forward with projects. Additionally, Kori will also be sharing the compensation study and updated bonus program that she has been working on since moving into the role as GM.
I. Business Meeting
a. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Rachael Harvey to approve the corrected August 15, 2018 Meeting Minutes; it was seconded by Dave Peterka. There was unanimous approval.
b. August Financials
Dave Peterka stating that we are slowly but surely closing the gap between actual net income and budgeted net income, currently $62,000 below budget. This month slip rental continuing to be strong, due to boat sales we have utilized a number of the transient slips for the rest of the season, service labor is starting to catch up, and fuel dock sales are up. In the expense areas “gas and oil” is over budget but as is the income side but not proportionately (Kori is looking into this), “capital improvements” is under budget, but “repair and maintenance” is over primarily due to the float purchase to refloat the fuel dock. Eric Pederson asked what Kori is planning for the Fuel Dock. Kori explained that even though the fuel dock decking was done and refloated, the floats underneath the building are the original Styrofoam ones along with beavers living underneath; therefore, there is virtually nothing left supporting it. The task this fall will involve removing the floor inside the building and removing anything that is left underneath, then putting new floats in place.
Total Net Income is $156K compared to $218K that was budgeted. Dave believes we are catching up and due to some of the seasonal issues we had this year we are still doing very well.
Dave ended with reviewing the Accounts Receivable. Nothing is really an issue other a boater that filed bankruptcy and currently owes the marina $979.00. The amount has been filed with the bankruptcy attorney and we should get paid if the boat is transported out of here by the bank or liquidation company. Kori also mentioned that a boater that was previous customer at BMA has made an offer on the boat, and she is supposed to find out on Friday if her offer was accepted; therefore, we would be paid out of the bank proceeds. The potential buyer wants to store the boat here and have some service work done on if the offer is accepted. Mallards has paid 1/3 of the balance that they currently owe us. After Saturday we will owe them for the catering of the 30th Anniversary Party. We may drag our feet a bit on paying this bill or pay them the difference and take a credit on what they owe us just to get their account to zero before we start snow plowing again.
Kori wanted to point out that our investment income actually is showing as a negative; this is because we had to reverse the finance charges from 2017 on Group 41 from the lawsuit settlement. So yes it does look strange to have a negative investment income, but it is accurate.
II. Marina Operations
Kori stated since the last board meeting she has asked the Executive Committee for approval to look into figuring out if/how to store Balozi here this winter. Additionally, Kori is confirming with our insurance company that we can do so. Two crane companies bid on the job; however, quote was well over what we expected. We are waiting on the boat owner to make the decision of what he wants to do. There is also additional service work that can be done on Balozi for our service department. BMA haven’t done bubbling since 2008 or 2009 but there is so much new technology that we can use to monitor the boat over the winter.
As for the property, all of the trees have been treated for EAB; Kori met with Josh from Cutting Edge to evaluate trees now that we have growth. Cutting Edge wants to have a long-term relationship and Josh understands our crews can do a lot of the maintenance on it; Josh gave Kori his advice on what and how pruning should be done to increase growth. Our crew has done about 85% of the pruning that they have suggested and will do some more this winter when we can drop some trees onto the ice for easier clean up. Additionally, we did some pruning for the condo association creating additional revenue.
BMA staff has continued painting some items around the marina to get rid of the “dingy” white from dirt and oils from peoples’ hands. Staff also added electrical shock drowning signs at each ramp entrance per code. Scott also sling shed that protects the slings instead of them just sitting out in the elements. A canvas curtain will be added went the canvas department can fit it into their schedule, but Kori asked them to keep customer work as a priority for the time being.
The Haul-Out schedule filled extremely quickly, weeks two through five are completely full, but we are trying to do whatever we can to keep people in as long as possible and accommodate boaters. Service had 55 oil change requests – more than they have had in recent years. Jason Oval, who does refinishing, is completing a lot of estimates. For the first time ever, we had a Winter Work meeting to discuss a schedule, which all allowed work to be coordinated with all departments, whereas in the past, this was just haphazardly scheduled.
Letters for 2019 slip intentions went out to BMA Slip Renters and BMA Owners. Zach and Kori are planning on staying on top of people to return these promptly since we have such a high need for slips for the 2019 season. The IRS was here and are in the process of seizing a slip due to back taxes. Kori is working with the women from the IRS very closely to help with this process.
On September 18th, there was a meeting at Bill Kranz’ office with Charter Members to discuss the history of the marina in preparation of the 30th Anniversary Party. Val Fuller and Lorrie Miller have assisted in gathering the information and creating posters for the party. In the future, Kori will also be working on a history wall and a history page on the website so that we can capture it before it is lost.
Bill Kranz was also asked about the Marina’s legal standing for the live webcam that was added. One member complained it was an invasion of privacy and is asking to move to A or D dock, this will be remedied for the 2019 season. Kori has talked to several other members who state they really enjoy it.
Alan continues to work part time, but is interested about full-time opportunities, to determine how much work he should schedule for himself verses refering them to BMA. The thought would be to consider employing Alan full-time after the first of the year as long as all of the winter jobs stay committed. This will affect the 2019 budgeting as well.
HR Improvements
Kori has been working with Arlene from HRX, Inc. on a Wage Comparison Assessment and a Variable Compensation Formula, both of which are complete. Arlene and Kori have also worked on updating the Office Manager Job Description as we move forward will the possible need in the future. Arlene is also working on updating the BMA Employee Handbook to meet compliance. This will be finalized before the first of the year so that can be used for the 2019 calendar year.
Capital Improvements Planning
Kori presented the board with capital improvement priorities for 2019 so that she can start the budgeting process and lining up contracts for some of the work needed. Two items needed to be decided on at the meeting to move forward. The first item is proper ventilation for the shop for painting and exhaust. Mike Hurley got quotes from two companies, and Kori is proposing going with the company with the lower bid since they could supply the same components and within our timeline for just under $30K. Motion made by Rachael Harvey, seconded by Matthew Kasinkas, unanimous approval.
Kori also asked that in order to get on the schedule with the pool company we need $38K to be approved for the pool resurfacing, tile work, concrete work and pool chlorinator in the 2019 budget. Motion made by Rachael Harvey, seconded by Amy Tolbert, unanimous approval.
III. Old Business
a. Launch Ramp Use for BMA Employees
Kori asked for a decision as a follow up from the July Board meeting regarding BMA Employees using the launch ramp, with set rules and regulations for employees. Unanimous approval given by the board.
IV. New Business
a. December Board Meeting Date Change
Amy asked the Board Members if they would approve moving the December Board Meeting to December 12th since it gets too close to the holidays if we wait until the following week. Everyone agreed.
b. Donation by Bayport Marina to Zephyr Theater
Rachael Harvey suggested we may be interested in budgeting to donate funds to the Zephyr Theater and we would receive a brick with our name on it. Amy asked Rachel to forward the information via email or bring to the next board meeting.
Motion made by Amy Tolbert to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Eric Pederson; meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.