September 24, 2014

Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
September 24th, 2014

Board Present:
Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Dave Peterka
Amy Tolbert

Keith Vinje

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Commodore Brad Baune. Confirmed a quorum was in attendance for approval of business items.

1. Approval of the AugustMinutes.

Motion by Morgan Fudge to approve the August 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes, seconded by Val Fuller. Unanimous approval of Minutes.

2. August & YTD Financials

August Financials

Highlights from Steve:

· BMRP is finally caught up since it was billed out during August, originally budgeted to all be received in March.

August YTD Financials

Aug PandL

Highlights from Steve:

BMRP is finally caught up since it was billed out during August, originally budgeted to all be received in March.

Aug YTD PandL

· Some slip rental will still be collected in September and October. We don’t anticipate being that far under budget by the end of the season.

Cliff mentioned that we are very fortunate in comparison to all the other marinas in the area. They are all are much further behind financially than we are. The high waters really caused problems for them and slip rental and gas sales were down for everyone. Additionally, we have been able to cash flow $100,000+ of marina maintenance so far this year and still be where we are financially.

BMRP B-Dock Final Budget Comparison

BDock Budget Comparison

· Reclaim came in higher than we had estimated. We anticipate it will also be higher than estimated on the remaining docks as well.

· Overall we are within 2% of budget. Knowing that a lot of knowledge was gained during this first phase, we feel very good about our costs compared to budget.

3. Business Meeting

Bylaw Updates

The Bylaws have been updated with minor grammar changes and will be signed by Marcus Gernes and Brad Baune who were Commodore and Security respectively at the time the Bylaws changes were voted on. They will then be posted on the website under the Members Only section.

The board plans to move forward with reviewing the Bylaws as a whole and seeing if there are areas that need updating as 25+ years have passed since their initial writing. Amy Tolbert, Val Fuller and Keith Vinje will head up this group with the goal of bringing any of these changes to a vote at the 2015 annual meeting.

Kori will also formally collect owners’ preference for communication (mail or email) per the Bylaws and execute for all future member related communication. Brad also noted that we will clearly outline the instructions for the voting process with the 2015 ballot.

Marketing Plan for Slips

A Slip Ownership Informational Meeting was held after the Haul-Out meeting and had a turnout of about a dozen people. They had a lot of questions about the process including how the marina operates and questions about the board of directors. We feel this gives us the opportunity to better communicate to renters about how the Marina operates and the possibilities of slip ownership in the future. Morgan Fudge suggested that we advertise outside of the marina as well since someone may see this as an investment opportunity even if they are not a boat owner. He also suggested that we work with boat brokers in the area to refer people to Bayport regarding the options of slip ownership.

The discussion of having a commission fee associated with the transfer fee would be an appropriate move with the amount of time and effort spent by the office staff, especially if we are going to advertise the slip being for sale.

Kori was excited to announce that there were three slip closings scheduled during the next two weeks and two out of the three were people who had attended the meeting.

HR Planning for BMA

Fall 2013, Amy Tolbert had reviewed BMA’s HR processes and proposed a Performance Management Process for BMA. As a result, we updated the job descriptions for both Marina staff and the board of directors. These job descriptions will then be rolled into a Performance Appraisal process, which allows specific behaviors and job responsibilities to be evaluated annually. This will be implemented for the 2014 annual reviews. As a result, the compensation and bonus system will flow directly from the results of each individual’s performance appraisal.

The idea of still having a “Retreat” for the board members to transfer knowledge is something everyone agrees would be good to do on an annual basis. The purpose is to have staff and board aligned on strategic initiatives and other annual objectives.

Amy also suggested that we post the volunteer form on the website and then again ask for volunteers in the spring at the start of the season when people are on site.

4. Marina Operations

Gas Dock & Transient Dockage Incentive Program

The 2013 boating season had 631 transient nights or $15,775.00 in revenue. For the 2014 season, a program was developed that has an incentive program tied to it for Kori and Tavia. As of September 23 the number of overnight transient stays totaled 1,018 with revenue of $39,143.00; there for meeting the max incentive program which will be paid out after the 2014 season in November. An updated incentive program will be devised for the 2015 boating season.

Gas Dock Incentive Program

(This program created for Kori and Tavia to split proceed from bonus)


· Increase Bayport Marina awareness

· Increase gas dock sales

· Increase transient visits

· Create experience visitors will remember

· Give resort like experience

· Always be friendly and professional

2013 Visits to Transient dock….631

15% Increase in visits…(742)………$1500.00

20% Increase in visits…(788)………$2500.00

25% Increase in visits…(841)……….$4000.00

30% Increase in visits…(900)……….$5000.00


According to Mike Hurley August was a steady flow of work and September has been a lot of oil changes and getting ready for winterization. Service has already scheduled three large jobs for this winter. The objective now is to prioritize them in the most effective and timely manner as the dock project will be getting underway too.

5. BMRP A-Dock

Cliff stated that no work can be done on the dock until the boats are out of the water. A reminder has been sent out on two occasions to let everyone know that they should empty their dock boxes, remove cords and any other items on the dock as they could get damaged if not removed. We are also working on an order sheet for several accessories that can be purchased and installed as part of the project. This will be sent out after haul-out.

The new wires have been pulled on A-Dock and we are working on the route to be used for Xcel to hook into. Originally Xcel said they can do whatever they want to do and now they are stating that they need an easement if it is not on Marina property. First Cliff worked on getting an easement from the condos, but per their bylaws they don’t allow easements unless it’s for the betterment of the condo associate. Then Dave Suddath from Mallards said he would talk to Group 41 for us. However, in the end Xcel suggested that since we own the roadway that we should just locate the wire under it. This would allow the possibility of laying part of the asphalt this year as petroleum prices are so low.

Cliff is still getting Mecco to respond about the order he would like to place. He is following up tomorrow and said he will do anything to get an answer or tell them he is taking this business elsewhere. Scott has been creating new sections of the dock such as the extension for the first walkway on A. They are getting galvanized at this time.

6. Old Business

The Transfer Fee of $150 was set in or before 1989, we are discussing whether this amount should be adjusted for inflation. Brad suggested that this be tabled for further discussion at another board meeting.

7. New Business

Cliff has asked the board to approve the purchase of a new heater for the service department. Currently the shop uses an oil burner that is very old and would need repair to function this winter. He is proposing the purchase of a Lanair unit which has a $500 off discount this month, which Scott would install. There was unanimous approval to purchase the heater by the board members.

Kori is working with Tavia to investigate a new website designer with the goal of having a new layout with improved functions before the 2015 boating season. All designers we are seeking out will have the capability to have a responsive website so it transfers to mobile automatically. Better organization and a cleaner image/look are the main goals behind the improved design.

Meeting adjourned at 9:14

8. Closed Session

Click the links below to view or download:

August PandL

August Balance Sheet