September 25, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes – Sept 25, 2013
Bayport Marina Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marina Clubhouse
September 25, 2013

Board present:
Morgan Fudge
Val Fuller
Michelle Lemanski
Jim Mondry
Steve Paquette
Eric Pederson
Amy Tolbert

Brad Baune
Sandor Csallany

Meeting called to order at 6:32 pm by Commodore Morgan Fudge.

Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Michelle to approve the Minutes, seconded by Val. Unanimous approval of Minutes.

Financials – Steve presented an overview of YTD financials – refer to handouts. Steve stated the checking account balance is rising and the A/R is also higher due to recent billing of slip rental installment and dues and not paid. 2013 Total Assets compared to 2012 Total Assets are $60k lower. However, if the $90k depreciation is taken out, we are actually $30k higher. The P&L reflects a great month for income. However, higher than budgeted expenses occurred in the month of August as well i.e. 3 pay periods. YTD we are doing good – very close to Budget. Steve noted this year would be one of the tough years to draw the $25k out for the BMRP.

Morgan inquired why “Storage” is down considerably over previous year. Kathy informed we do not have as many summer storage boats this year and winter storage has not been billed for the year. Morgan suggested increasing summer storage to generate revenue for BMRP. He advised Mike to monitor the boats accepted – only good boats are to be stored, no junk. Michelle recommended storage be paid upfront. The question was asked what issues if any would result from summer storage. Mike stated it would be a matter of Sherm moving the boat in the spring and fall. Morgan requested the Summer Storage topic be added to the February or March Agenda for discussion of realistic capacity and potential revenue generation.

General Manager’s Report

Morgan informed Cliff was at CMM Training in California all week. Cliff will provide an update on his training at the October Board Meeting. Three items he left for the Board to discuss in his absence:

a) Cliff would like to move forward with running electrical between B & C Dock with Xcel burying the cable. Discussion on this was tabled until the BMRP update was presented later in the meeting.

b) We received a “clean bill of health” from our Liability insurance carrier. A representative was out and inspected the shop and other areas and determined there were no violations and no recommendations were made. Morgan questioned Mike what OSHA requires. Mike stated he is not completely sure because OSHA rules are very complex. However, he is confident we are doing what we should i.e. guards in place, stickers where they should be, etc. He does not allow a non-employee to enter the shop without a BMA employee with them. Non-employees are not allowed to work on their boat in the shop. All outside vendors must sign in and out and indicate what boat they are working on while here. Mike suggested hiring a private firm to come and inspect for OSHA compliance. He stated Wells Fargo created a Safety Plan and employees meet 6 times/year for training. Staff are required to signoff when the training is completed. Mike informed we are doing a better job on documentation.

c) Cliff has requested his spending limit without approval be raised from the current $2500 to $5000. Michelle stated the $2500 has always been in place even in the Marsh years, even though he did not abide by the rule. Amy stated there was no compelling argument to change. Morgan agreed he did not feel the $2500 was a burden. Amy concurred leaving the limit keeps control the way it is. Consensus of the Board was to leave the limit at $2500. Morgan will discuss further with Cliff.

Service Manager Update

a) Mike informed haulout has begun and there are approximately 15 boats out of the water as of the meeting. He informed there are 35 boats scheduled for next week and 45 boats each of the last two weeks. There are approximately 30 non-member boats to be winter stored. Question was asked if they were coming in by trailer. Mike replied we cannot compete with area competitors on the small trailerable boat storage. However, we can with the boats to be lifted as there are only 5 travel-lifts between here and Prescott. Mike informed we never turn away winter storage business. Morgan asked what the procedure was for acquiring winter storage boats each year. Kathy informed she keeps a database of all winter storage. The WS boaters are sent the same haulout packet our members are given. Kathy runs the list and gives to Mike to review for any deletions due to selling boat or moving to another location. Morgan inquired what our winter storage capacity was. Mike was not sure but probably in the 40-45 range. Michelle questioned if capacity would change with the restaurant now open aka parking. Mike stated boats are parked to the south of the last parking spot at Mallards and therefore, storage does not impact their parking. Steve recommended they put the barriers up after the last parking spot as was done last year. Morgan recommended promoting winter storage next year to increase to the 40-45 boat capacity.

b) Mike informed he has not secured any big jobs for the winter. He has one job that he has bid everything on the boater’s wish list. However, the boater is out-of-the country and has not been given the final approval. Mike and Jason continue to write up estimates as boats come out of the water. He has sent out 6 estimates so far. Mike stated he has a running list of boaters to contact and will pursue work if the big jobs don’t materialize. Morgan asked Mike if there will be enough work in January and February to be at the break-even point. Mike stated there would be. Mike further stated if they do get two big jobs, the crew may struggle to get done by March. Because of the limitation of the building, mechanics cannot be in the space when Jason is doing his work. Mike reiterated due to OSHA regulations, we are a repair facility and we do not do paint jobs as the environment is not protected.

A Service Dept Committee has been formed to include Russell, Ken, Mike, Cliff, Kathy, Amy, and Morgan. They will be meeting on October 4 from 2-4:30 to discuss: 1) how we are searching for work 2) ways to crank out jobs faster and 3) create guiding principles for: challenges, opportunities to tap, and talent needs to achieve. The goals to focus on: 1) help Mike to better utilize his time i.e. instead of spending 40-50% searching for parts and 2) how to increase revenues over time i.e. grow to capacity. Amy encouraged any other Board Members interested in participating to attend the meeting and to let Amy know so she can provide the materials she is compiling for the meeting.

Mike informed we should have a paint booth for Jason to work in. Steve stated he knows from experience paint booths are very expensive. Question was asked about putting a tent outside of shop for painting. Mike responded the temperature needs to stay above 50 degrees to do gel work.

Marketing Strategy

Kathy presented a draft of a 2014 Marketing Plan Tavia, Cliff and herself collaborated in compiling. Refer to handout. Two items not included on the plan were to update the website with winterization and service information and to update the clock at the NJ
Cafe. Another item listed – Gas Dock Training and Manual, will be put on a future Board Meeting Agenda. Kathy was instructed to prioritize and “cleanup” the Marketing Plan for the October Board Meeting.

HR Projects

Amy presented she is working on 6 items relating to the job descriptions of the Board and Staff. Two items she covered included:

a. Creating a Board of Directors Manual to give to new Members elected to the Board. She also will organize a Board Retreat at the beginning of the new term to set goals and objectives for the coming year.

b. Revise and define job descriptions for each of the staff. As deemed necessary for fulfilling the vision of the Board, rearrangement of responsibilities will be made.

Dock Revitalization Project

Morgan stated one of the goals with the BMRP is to promote everyone voting and share a voice in the project. It was reiterated the Board has the authority to do the project without a vote. However, to continue harmony within the membership, the Board chooses to have a vote. Morgan stated even if the project is not passed in its entirety, there are enough funds in the bank accounts to do B Dock electrical. However, he recommends it would be beneficial to draw on the bank note to lock rate.

Motion made by Eric to proceed with the B Dock portion of the overall electrical plan, seconded by Amy. Unanimous approval.

Motion made by Steve to solicit a vote with a designated 50% or greater approval for the marina revitalization project. A specific effort will be made by the Marina to obtain as many votes as possible. Votes with signature can be accepted via fax, email or in person. Seconded by Amy. Unanimous approval.

Closed session

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.

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